Ybarra, want to earn back my trust?

" leaving women and minority employees to play catch-up with everything"
Let’s not be coy please. Real talk, only. I am actually somewhat intelligent and can read subtext rather well


Here you go. Delude yourself more that it’s only white men that do bad. I’ll accept your apology… but Twitter people like you don’t admit you’re wrong.

DURR HURR iz not what u think! Wemenz can’t be bad.



Enjoy life in your echo chamber, then, I guess? Have a good one.


“While issues are being addressed” is the key phrase here. I care about both, and I definitely wouldn’t sacrifice the issues being addressed just to get a better product.

Lmao yikes

OP 100% works at a Burger King.

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You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a karen.

Shy, you seem like a good person w/ a good heart. I appreciate your perspective. What needs to happen, soon, imo… is some positive uplift from a business perspective. They haven’t had a major product announcement or update in forever. That isn’t good, not for the employees, not for the business, certainly not for the customers. I just have an opinion, educated by history, that the market has a lot less patience than you are giving them credit for. Those employees will suffer. The uppers will get a golden parachute. I think we both want the same thing, but perhaps to varying degrees.


The worst ‘beatings’ in my life were at the hands of women. I lost a business, my house that I paid for, and had my children’s minds poisoned with lies. I’ll take another man’s abuse over that anyday of the week.

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The article you linked literally has nothing to do with women sexually harassing men. It says men sexually harassed other men, so your argument is still unfounded.

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Hopefully the “exciting news” Ybarra hinted at for next week is the start of a positive shift in content updates/product improvement. Happy employees who aren’t struggling against a wall of generally gross behavior will definitely be able to put more of their heart and soul into their work and turn out better products.

There’s no point engaging with that guy. He literally made up stuff that I never said, because he’s got some sort of agenda…

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Unless I am wrong, I think you misread, Shy. The exciting news was from this week, complete with a link to the upcoming Microsoft acquisition. Although I am hopeful that improves things for everyone. I know it’s easy to be cynical, because Microsoft - but I actually have a lot of faith in their gaming division. Let me know if you saw something about upcoming announcements next week, cuz I definitely missed it if there is.

It seems like a lot of people don’t seem to understand this. Want to know why Nintendo has such a high pedigree of top-quality games/classics? Because they put the happiness and health of their workers above all else. Insomniac Games and Santa Monica don’t enforce employees crunching to meet certain deadlines. Their games are exceptional and considered some of the best of last generation.

Happy employees = Better products = Happier players. I feel like this should be common sense, but so many people here have the mentality of “Give me content I don’t care about you”.


It’s referenced in the statement released by Ybarra earlier! “We also know we need to deliver content to our players on a more regular basis and innovate both in and beyond our existing games. We have some exciting things to announce, and I’ll be sharing more next week.”

Here’s the link: https://www.wowhead.com/news/mike-ybarras-statement-on-improving-culture-at-blizzard-entertainment-325694

So yeah, something’s coming!

And I’m not completely optimistic about Microsoft acquisition (because, well, mostly I have really bad feelings toward a massive company eating a slightly less massive company to grow even larger), but I do hope it works out positively for the employees for sure.


Thanks Shy.

This is only one data point, but something tells me that diversity isn’t a weakpoint at Xbox:

New Xbox Gaming Leadership Team Org Chart Shows A Diverse Group of Talent : XboxSeriesX (reddit.com)


You’re not very smart, are you?

Says the stalker. I expect that from a spineless classic poster.

You’re a disingenuous person with no balls who hides behind an alt.

Hey I can play that game also.

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Just say you’re sexist bro and move on

I don’t even know who you are.

There’s nothing tough about posting on a main character. We’re all people hiding behind digital personas on a video game forum.

Get a life, dude.

Uh huh play it off stalker. Nice try gaslighting.

Care to lie some more?