Ybarra sale M+ runs?

Raider.io addon lists how many dungeons people have completed at a certain level and the armory shows how many bosses they have killed.

Takes 2 seconds to save you from a failed run.

the math for tokens is pretty easy,

take the time it takes you to earn $20 vs the time it takes you to earn the current market rate for gold. if the time it takes you to earn $20 is less, it makes more sense to purchase tokens instead of farming gold. time is more valuable than money.

Most people can’t drop 300 bucks on a carry though.

People who do that are whales, and there is few of them, but damn do they drop a lot of money.

I’ve watched someone come in a drop 2 grand on a mobile game they didn’t even bother figuring out of they liked or not.

i tend to whale in different ways, i dropped a grand on a flight sim setup in order to play a $7
racing game on steam, 3 weeks later i hit top 10 on 2 tracks, top 20 on most, and top 50 overall, then i got bored and came back to wow.

LFR gear IS last tiers bis.

ngl, i’d probably do the same thing. I’ve wanted a flight setup, but i know i’d end up not using after a couple of weeks.

off topic, but if you liked ace combat, try Project Wingman with a sim seat and a vr headset, you’ll make your inner 9 year old super giddy

I’ll keep that in mind :stuck_out_tongue: i have the vr, just not the rest lol

lol wow I know. it means nothing. you cannot tell skill from that ever.

They are encouraging customers to get used to spending vast amounts of in game gold on everything. Once token buying via gold becomes habitual for whatever target of the playerbase, they will incrementally decrease the rate of hard gold farming making gold more scarce. For players to continue to “play like they want to play” :wink: PLayers will be forced to buy more and more tokens with cash out of their own pockets.
They seem to be following the drug dealer model. Get people hooked on drugs for free/cheap and after addicted profit as much as humanly possible.

You can tell who’s putting in effort and not just buying.

If someone has been working their way up from lower keys they are a much safer bet then someone who has done each dungeon once on a 15.

If someone has multiple kills on every boss in a raid they’re a much safer bet than someone with only one kill on the last boss.

That is not logic, again if you spend that much on this game you’re doing it wrong. I play this to play a GAME. it’s not a job like you’re trying to make it out to be, maybe you’re just mad it isn’t a job who knows. I spend 15 bucks a month to play, some times I get a freebie because as people have said, gold is easy to come by and nothing to spend it on so why not a free month. If you’re spending 4000 dollars a year you’re doing it wrong and you should probably not play wow and get a life.

The thing is, this game demands a lot of time if you want to excel on it, or rather, it often fools you into thinking that you need to invest a lot of time, its business model is the trickery.

Kinda always required a lot of time, it’s the way most mmo’s have been.

Not really, currently WoW is one of the most demanding and punishing MMO on the market.

I mean, it’s their money and they blow their entertainment budget anyway they want to. The main issue is that whales haphazardly dropping dimes upon a whim leaves no real incentive to make a high quality game for anyone. Time and effort will be directed at analyzing spending habbits and creating SYSTEMS in order to maximize player spending habbits.

I’ve said before that boosting means nothing to me. The way I play the game, boosting has zero effect on me. I have enough gold to support what I do in the game and that’s fine. I think between all my characters I probably have around 300K gold accumulated. It isn’t much compared to some, but I always have enough gold to buy whatever I want, so I’m good.

Having this kind of thread come from someone this highly placed in the game, though… it’s a tad depressing. Even though it will in no way affect what I do or don’t do in the game. I could easily afford to boost if I wanted to.

It just kind of sucks for Ybarra to advertise it openly like this.

What a bizarre year for this company. From cubicle crawls to NPC jettisoning to doubling down on the advocacy of a soft P2W model.

I do wonder what’s next. No wait, I don’t.

i make $94 an hour, you show me how to make 200k in ~12 minutes that isn’t ripping someone off in some way. its literally a waste of my time to farm gold. i can always get more money, i can’t get more time.

The interesting thing about this is that technically Ybarra is not complying with this, being a Blizzard employee, part of his salary can be considered to come from the sale of tokens, and many carrys payments are made with gold from this transaction, so technically he is making money with the boosting activity.

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