YAY we are finally getting frostmourne cosmetic.... For diablo inmortal

I find it funny they love to use his stuff for marketing but they also deleted him.


Right? One of the greatest villains in video game history… reduced to a fart in the wind and they’re still marketing off of him.


That and the helm of domination an iconic item turned into a green vendor item

Is immortal any good? I have not been impressed with 4 and considered giving that a whirl.

As much as I would love Frostmorne, I really want Bolvars fiery hammer for my HM tauren DK.


Was that the set we got from the BC or WoTlk pre launch? I got the variants of it and squirreled them away.

Fir once my packrat nature payed off.

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Me saw.

Me want in wow.

In wow be fun.

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To be fair, its not really Frostmourne. Its like a cheap cosplay version.

I ran out of room in my banks back then and had to vendor them off.

A month-ish later, they announced transmog.

I died inside that day.

Now, I only have one out of the four sets I used to have.

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Ugh. That is terrible. It would be cool if they periodically brought launch events back, or a similar event to commemorate it, kind of like the scarab thing.

That way people who missed it or people in your position can get stuff.

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Buzz off with that lame excuse, Legion was all about using Legendary weapons for ourselves

We got Ashbringer and doomhammer, it makes no sense to not have Frostmourne

The purple set is a TBC dungeon recolor.

The Undead Slayer set from the Wrath pre-launch event is a teal recolor.

My Dovakiin in Skyrim dual wields Frostmorne and a Warglaive.

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My Dovakiin is master chief with a chefs hat and the master sword.

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I was hoping they’d have a vendor of that stuff during SL prelaunch. I was disappointed they didn’t do that.

Maybe since remix and plunder-storm are clearly a hit, they will do something like that.

I often found that the pre events are more fun than the expansion they are preceding.