YAY we are finally getting frostmourne cosmetic.... For diablo inmortal

as an old wow player who played WoTLK like crazy (have 5 server first from WoTLK, 6 but death demise was denied for me because of transfer cooldown). this is the ultimate F you for us.

Seriously blizzard you have ANY idea how much we wanted frostmourne to be a usable weapon, when Wotlk was announced we all started speculating if we would be able to wield the frostmourne just like casters wielded the staff of Mediev and Rogues and warriors dual wielded the glaives of illidan… Only to have our hopes crushed by devs telling us they did not want players to use an iconic lore weapon (ASHBRINGER LEGION LOL MOMENT THERE) and giving us shadowmourne (cool weapon but not at the level of frostmourne).

And now after a decade of wating you finally give us the cosmetic… ON ANOTHER GAME… not only any other game the game that is so hated people booed it at blizzcon and now surivies on whales and gatcha adicted persons who are so adicted wow players go “Hey dude you ok?”

So yeah thanx for telling us we are worth nothing to you cannot wait if this explodes to see one of your diablo devs pull a “don’t you have phones?” moment.

Seriously this is just a F you to your wow playerbase


Yea you tell em


In return they should give us the Grandfather sword.


I would rather the player base NOT get such legendary artifacts for the sake of keeping them what they are… legendary. We are not worthy.


Add the “Shouting at clouds angry” Achivement and I am sold.

WoW returned to China
Cross over promo with an incredibly P2W mobile game

It’s just the natural order of things.

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yeah paladins and shamans in Legion would like to have a word with you on that…

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Being that the frostmourne appearance is stuck on Diablo Immortal, I don’t see this as a face slapper.

Am I misunderstanding the linked article and it is a cross game promotion?

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you know what… that makes TOTAL SENSE… did not even think that, yep it all makes sense now… Still pretty sh*tty move but makes sense…

I do wonder why we haven’t been given Frostmourne, since Ashbringer and Doomhammer are available. Quite a strange choice. Personally, I do not mind if players run around with an artifact, because it is just a neat appearance. I think the only community this would affect would be the role play community, and specifically because of one person walking around pretending to be the sole wielder of said artifact(s). I can’t imagine taking a stroll to buy some bread off of Thomas Miller and I see ten death knights walking around with Frostmourne, acting as if they are actually the new lich king. For appearances though? I don’t mind. Let the death knights have their fallen king’s sword. It isn’t hurting anyone.


you should have seen the RP servers when Ashbringer was released in legion. EVERY PALADIN Had their story of how they are THE REAL ASHBRINGER…

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They’re hellbent on just not letting WOW players get one of the most iconic weapons in the game’s history, even as a cosmetic. Instead, Frost DKs get the “Shards of Frostmourne” as a pair of one-handers instead of just reforging the whole thing.


I honestly couldn’t care less.

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Well good golly gosh, would you look at that.


Honestly in Legion I maintain they should have let us craft our own weapons that we could put our own customization on rather than every single Paladin being the Ashbringer or every single Shaman having the Doomhammer.

I can’t see them doing another story where DKs end up with Frostmourne, since the weapon has been reforged into something else now.

Though it’d be cool if they just added it as a cosmetic that drops in ICC as a very low chance. Maybe add in a questline involving the bronze dragons and time shenanigans where you “purge” the blade of the fact that it steals the wielder’s soul so we address that plot point right out of the gate.

Silly, really. I belong to Moon Guard, so I’ve seen my share of outlandish characters. I personally do not mind what people role play as. I’ve seen Worgen pretending to be gnolls and Void Elves pretending to be Blood Elves that abandoned the Horde. Why, I’ve even met a Kul Tiran druid that was actually a Tauren druid in disguise. Darkfallen are sometimes San’layn. People come up with unique, clever or odd ideas that never cease to astound me, and I don’t mind any of them. I love when people are being creative. I just…I don’t know. It’s a little strange to see one player pretending to be a chosen one, though.

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ell of course after taking a look at your achivements I can why you dont care. you never played wow in those days you are a newborn in wow… dont worry you will have your moment when blizzard spits in your face I am sure… its not a matter of if but when.

We were: reforged, because it was shattered, so we made into two 1h swords. Then used to stop the corruption from Sargeras’ sword and now it’s gone and done.

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OP here you know that is hillarious because I just made this character for remix XD

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I started back in BC.

I played through ICC.

Christ, I played through the RTS games and all of their expansions before that.

So please: tell me again about how I’m a “newborn.”