Yay paladins!

I was using that as an example that a paladin who isn’t necessarily the best geared, but having at least Storm Gauntlets + a decent 2h can consistently kill Naxx-geared players if played well.

Reckbomb is a meme, no way around it.

Gratz on listing your spellbook.

Against bad players - sure. You can get away even having a t2 with 10% melee crit in total (thx to conviction) in a spec that HEAVILY relies on crit for vengeance to even matter.

I listed spells because apparently people on this forum have collectively forgotten them.

Twisting SoC/SoR together while wearing Storm Gauntlets allows one to consistently kill enemies in short windows.

This is the crucial part that you likely glazed over which involves the important tech.

Bold statement.

Important tech to add 140-160 holy damage (which can’t crit btw) to your autos and OOM yourself faster?

Game is 20 y old. There were 3 viable builds for pvp for decades : deep holy, holy reck (mr i wana save gold and never respec and be good in all scenarios - which is true) and ret/reck (requires r13/t2.5 and good offsets later on with bis weapon available for the phase).

Deep ret was a niche spec you could go for an arranged duel with SP, warlock, mage. But last 2 classes could beat you anyway.

You clearly don’t understand the tech. It’s to virtually guarantee procs. You downrank SoR to Rank 3 (since it has the best spell coefficient) so mana isn’t much of a concern.

You sound like seal twisting is something brand new and someone secretly abusing it. I was telling you that it was not worth it. It was a meta in TBC when we got blood and WF totem, which r1 2v2 pallys used with (surprise) reckoning.

Even if you downrank SoR to our famous r3, you still break the rule of 5 secs, completely shutting down your mana regen from spirit, which you still have on your favorite t2.
The only tier that allowed brainless spam of your spells was t3, because it had mp5 instead of spirit on all pieces (by that time devs finally woke up, but too late). But t3 is not good at killing things.

You are also not fighting a dummy. You have to cleanse, heal, use your utility spells, judge. And the uptime in pvp as a wheelchair is not 100%

I’m not ‘secretly abusing it’, it’s being done on Era by myself and other Ret paladins who are actually playing. Once again, you miss the point of why it’s done, which is for stacking proc chances. SoR counts as a hit for procs, and you get at least 2 hits of Storm Gauntlets per swing which can crit for Vengeance.
Mana is way less of a concern than you’re making it out to be, I go several encounters within a BG before running into mana issues which I just pace properly for during lulls. One can also grab Libram of Hope/Grace as well.

I know what SoR does. It counts for lifesteal procs from your weapons too. You can fish for it as much as you want. But it is all niche.

The only thing that can seal the deal in a short time with not too much of a counter is ret/reck with 4 stacks, t2,5/FM geared (grand crusader offsets for naxx phase) with MoM (or any bis weap for prev phase) with shadow oil attached.
That and a bit of luck for the amount of crits for white hits from bomb.

I was speaking more towards world pvp lol.

At some point it will be in their toolbox westfall.

A game mode where you can just call a buddy or two and spam emotes on a dead foe like you had a revenge?

I mean Hunters are top dps in every single BG. I don’t see why tf you whining lmao

The point of twisting SoR/SoC on current Era is to get more SoC procs along with weapon (if applicable) + HoJ procs, and often double SoC procs. And using it for higher Crusader enchant uptime is better.

SoC has a 0,5 cd on proc to stop it from multiproccing with effects that give you extra attacks. Imagine if all 5 white hits from reck bomb could proc SoC.

I get double SoC procs only with SoR twisting, it’s still capped with regards to white hits like HoJ proccing at the same time (which doesn’t trigger Storm Gauntlets along with extra white hits like Shaman WF).

I agree, ret can possibly kill a Naxx-geared player IF:

They stand still and don’t move at all. More preferably don’t purge or mana burn either …

But as soon as they start running, you realize you are the only melee class in the game with No slow effect, No gap closer and the only thing you can do not to make yourself faster but just to keep to your basic 108% speed with talent and slightly help your miserable endless chase to get to your target is using “Blessing of Freedom” which gets purged 0.5 second after it was applied. And if that didn’t happen to be enough a 2.5 second cast from a random priest can burn about 92% of your mana and turns you into a potato on foot.

It’s only at that point that you realize you are trying to mock an ARMS warrior with the exception that you use mana that can be gone in less than 3 seconds and don’t really have any of the main tools available to a warrior like Charge, Hamstring, MS and endless scaling capabilities.

I perform consistently in BGs vs all sorts of players, so beg to differ.

Ret is crazy good right now. Feels like they do in WOTLK but only level 25. Imagine them at 60.

Hunters pets still do way to much damage. They are doing 100% more dmg then they did in vanilla

They already have all of their tool kit basically lol.

Not really, we have 2 more phases of more rune slots to come. Nobody knows but we might get new slots of different bits of gear.