Yay! Instanced housing

I just hope they have all chat channels turned off in housing instances and let me have my 50 pets roam around the house.


Sounds like that may be an HOA violation.

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Having pets roam the house would be great! I’d have all of my cats out all the time. Jenafur can offer to eat the eyes of my guests!


My house my rules.


Everyone wanted to pretend this wouldn’t be garrisons 2.0 and now after the announcement everyone is pretending they always knew it would be garrisons 2.0.

Typical day on the WoW forums.

Because non-instanced housing is a monumental computational task if your intention is to have every single person playing this game own a house, especially in a game this old. It probably doesn’t have the framework, and not everyone would be able to own a house were that the case.

You would likely have something akin to FFXIV which, while an excellent implementation of non-instanced player housing, still has its issues where people wait at the board for hours each day hoping to score a plot that isn’t really yours permanently (because non-instanced is limited on space, meaning Squeenix has to give you the boot if you’re not active because it’s not fair to people who want a house and can’t get it).

Honestly, the neighborhood thing is actually a nice middle ground to address the concerns of instanced player housing.


you could do that in WOD. Were you not around back then?

letting the no-lifers pillage the homes of those that don’t get to play everyday sounds like a terrible plan.

How would you feel if you had to work all week then come friday you login and find out that blizzard let them take all your stuff while you were at work?

:smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :wink: Open up Mr. Orc.

Of course it has to be instanced in some way. Have you done large world events where more than 30 players gather and the servers start to have problems/lagging? I can’t imagine if everyone’s house was not instanced, the servers would just explode.

ITT: Some individuals that have no idea how server loads work in the slightest.

There will be a few really cool wards (neighborhoods), but coming from FFXIV I honestly don’t think its that amazing. I would have preferred having more locations, especially if they could be phased into the game.

FFXIV has this system, most of the wards will be dead unless they make a system that compelled you to visit your ward and in that case you may be upset with your neighbors because another neighborhood does so much better.

I’m on the most popular server and I can count on two hands that organic social interactions occurred. Over many years.

So I honestly hope they reconsider the limited location idea as having played in neighborhoods they are not that great unless you are in a curated one (which you probably won’t be), and would rather have something insane like a phased house in storm wind, a beautiful shack in grizzly hills, etc.

They’re going to run into a lot of problems like under and over appreciated themes and specific locations. If they provide too much player power it’ll hurt the neighborhood system, if they don’t provide enough you will mostly be stuck settling for something you didnt want in a neighborhood that is likely dead (socially).

Allowing players to create neighborhoods and ensure they can advertise their space is a great idea, thinking that most will be able to enjoy that and restricting the awesome potentials because of that dream… Imo is not a great.

Not going to say they can’t figure out ways to help, but honestly the system is only good for those who intentionally seek those out and therefore doesn’t really need to be everyone. Systems can help, but it will likely mean you feel compelled to visit, returning your chained to space feelings (I have to visit my neighborhood in 30 minutes or else I won’t get a cool mount and a 20% exp buff!).

I don’t think there’s any forgetting that this game is busted in a bunch of ways. But at least now I can put my feet up in front of the fireplace while I remember exactly how busted it is.

Did you even both to read the article?

Houses are organized into roughly fifty plot Neighborhoods, letting players live next to each other, work together, and share in the rewards of being part of the Neighborhood


I couldn’t imagine making my way to Stormwind on a shiny new alt, ready to begin a new adventure and start building my character and passing by several monstrosities players purposefully made of their “houses” along the path.

I don’t think a good majority of GD CAN read… it explains all these blatantly false takes and why they’re always so angry, they just believe what anyone tells em.

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Speaking of which, we should establish an HOA.

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If it were that important I would be online to defend it plain and simple. They can change their priorities to WoW.

Like that other game with open world housing that even their own playerbase hates?

Instanced housing seems lame, even Ultima Online a very old mmo sand box has non instance player housing and it’s so much more enjoyable having a home in a zone you auctally enjoy and everyone can see. If all were getting is instanced housing might as well build on are garisson and have more customization and options.

They should have let you make neighborhoods and select a mayor to map out the city and design it with Inns, fighting dummies, profession tables, etc.

So much potential, and Blizz just laid an egg…/sigh