Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

I think you bring up an excellent point about the definition of words here. Evil defined = to serve ones self at the detriment to others. How does one determine who is what?

Through their actions; If society chooses to reward that behavior there will be more of it. Who decides? IDK, good question, perhaps a group of intellectuals that can debate in a public forum without consequences.

This used to be a thing in the ancient world & what ignited modern civilization. Good ideas prove themselves & bad ideas do not.

It is up to the individual to decide for themselves what to accept or reject.

I don’t think it’s changed, I was able to do it just a few days ago. I usually takes 5-10 minutes before the edit button reappears, and some refreshing the page. Also might involve having to post new things elsewhere.

Not that I’ve ever needed to edit anything or cared to, but I’ve never seen the edit button on a hidden post.

it will always be backwards until they ban people for themselves. letting the community easily flag everything and getting people banned is absurd. i can report any forum and it will flag their post …

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And here we go again… something else flagged and no idea what or where. :roll_eyes: :woman_facepalming:

Edit: nevermind. It’s my original post here. LOL Nothing about that is against CoC.


so you got modded for saying something inappropriate? sounds about right to me

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lol I just wouldn’t worry about it. You know people flag everything here.

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You know some might say that wishing death on people for their forum actions is pretty bad too


I didn’t said the death penalty. YET

Maybe there’s a cultural difference but in America saying you want someone to get sent to the electric chair is saying you want them to die. We still have I think around 10 states that use the electric chair for the death penalty so it’s still fresh right there in everyones mind. If I recall a lot of countries don’t have the death penalty anymore so it could be a cultural thing.


Nope! Because all of my posts were restored. Nice try, though. :kissing_heart:

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I was once silenced for a “harassing post” that was completely blank.

Thankfully the GMs overrode that bit of zaniness, but it goes to show just how obtuse the system here can be.


How dare you make a blank post and harass someone with your silence! I am outraged!

Am I doing it right? :grin:

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They should of sent a notice, or forums message showing. They do it all the time for my posts lol
Btw, the flag system is abused for a silence/downvote basically.

I posted something that was said to me, not the actual words, but abbreviated to show what was said. They flagged and removed that post. But yet the person was allowed to say it in game :thinking:

Something someone said… you didn’t name names, did you? That’s a major nono.

so you just made this topic as spam then lol right

just clean your posts up and it wont happen

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The message only says something was hidden and the flag reason. It doesn’t show you the particular post. That only happens once they send you the restore message.


Rhielle we can stand arm in arm as brother and sister over this

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