Covenants killed the expansion for me. Once I get my RBG stuff done, I’m out.
For PvE and - as of Tuesday - I now have to be Venthyr to keep up in damage when the gap was… tolerable before, arenas are about to get flooded by Venthyr warriors as well as they’re performing borderline one shots with exploiter.
For RBGs and wPvP, Kyrian - my favorite - was still okay and had some niche in arenas, but with the buffs to condemn on Tuesday, it’s likely I’m still being forced to swap.
I love the idea of covenant specefic abilities, but whoops, I want to grab Keystone Master sometime this patch, and PUGS don’t like it when you don’t play meta. RBG night is the same night as my guild’s keystone night, so guess I’m kind of screwed there because lolpugs minmaxing where it’s not needed.
I want to try to push for Gladiator/HoTA, but I’m already getting comments about Kyrian despite it being viable because it just makes things “easier”. My main RBG group is still debating if I should swap or not simply because of how stupidly overpowered condemn is about to be.
Already couldn’t play my hunter because it was Venthyr too, and it was non-stop whining the whole way to just 1800 on my shadow priest because he was Kyrian. Hurr durr mindgames so OPPPPP. Thank god I went for enchant on my warrior, or I’d likely haven’t been able to get into groups past that since I was pugging at the time.
You cannot have FOMO attached to difficult content and these sorts of choices at the same time. (The only truly difficult thing I’m trying for is HoTA/Glad when my friend brings his DK over to Alliance, but the majority of the playerbase finds stuff like KSM/heroic raids hard, and they matter more than the 1% - Mythic is luckily a non-factor for FOMO.)
The system has caused nothing but stress since the beta for me, and games aren’t supposed to be stressful.
I’d rather just play another game, and I’m starting to more and more - what little I do is just the same stuff I’ve been doing for years (battlegrounds) or old content so I don’t have to deal with this garbage system.
It’s even more obnoxious because we called how this’d be a huge issue for the low and mid tier on the beta, but they never listen. People who do nothing but push IO, CE, Glad, ect ect don’t usually care about the RPG elements of the game, so they don’t care they’re forced to make these choices, they chase what’s best no matter what, but frankly, they ain’t the majority, and we’re all starting to get more and more pissed off on the focus on them.