XPoff vs XPon debate needs to stop

Remember WoW weddings? I was in one and attended one, they were more frequent in early wow days. The first one all the attendants /walked from SW gates to the Cathedral. It was cute and fun, we wore transmogs before they were a thing and the comments were hilarious.
Our raid leader and I played together for 3 years, I was heals. We were great friends, laughed a lot and I became very attached to this person. Most the super fun things we did in game were together. I am very married and my husband was always in earshot, but I found it interesting how attached you could get to someone you never saw. You cant explain it to someone that doesn’t play our game.
We still keep in touch and call/text each other when big life things happen. He and his wife just recently had a daughter and I was so happy to hear it :slight_smile:


That’s amazingly cool. It’s wonderful when you get to meet great people.

The warrior above in the thread, Rocax, he and I met on wow like 10 years ago.

Juga said they met their SO on wow too.