Removing XP altogether would be great.
Currently if you lose a few games you’re feeling pissed because you didn’t level fast enough, or never got any loot. Hmmmm who can I point fingers at? Horde, pre-mades, twinks, and next will be heirlooms.
The twink argument is definitely moot. If someone wants a twink feel they can throw on heirlooms, get some enchants, and still have a blast killing the unprepared, and going up against a long time foe.
However the one appeal to twinking is that we’re allowed to focus on a static character that we are able to perfect. No one but elite end game PvP’ers are allowed to accomplish this.
Has XP in PvP captivated new players for the game in general? Probably not.
Has XP in PvP enticed anyone to play PvP more so than without XP? Most likely for some.
Has XP in PvP brought more people in to PvP and has caused them to continue to play more PvP because of this? Maybe.
XP in BGs was just another leveling option offered, to make the game a little lighter on some folks who didn’t like the quest or dailies grind. All the other incentives of having XP in PvP were speculative.
I maintain the belief that the biggest problem with twinking was the inconsistent scaling of weapon enchants, and the ability to macro multiple weapon swaps in order to obtain multiple procs. This is not limited to only twinks. This is why I have a problem with segregation as a solution.
Other than that twinks are just players in a locked xp bracket. We populate BGs, and I don’t think we do much more harm to other players than someone who is highly focused and intent on doing as much harm to others as possible. Which again, can be done outside of twinking.
People going off the rails on twinks are over exaggerating matters imo. The Devs should be more thoughtful and more diligent to find compromise.