XP Off change was indeed intentional

I know, I’m just providing my opinoin. I gave some solutions to fixing twinks to the point where they could just allow us back into XPon brackets. I just prefer my ideas over yours :stuck_out_tongue:
Thats the whole point of these forums!

Agreed. I just wanna pvp lol. That is all.

They’re probably too under budget to get deep enough in to it. Maybe arrogant. Maybe lacking the wisdom of having played this game since inception.


By no means should they be under budget. I’m pretty sure I remember something about most successful business quarter ever recently or something.

The money is there, the thought that investing it in this will bring more isn’t.

Most likely they’ll go ahead with a level crunch of sorts and balance from there. No point balancing now when they might roll out level/stat squish next expansion.

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Why would you expect compromise when part time twinks are showing their true colors all over these forums, on the xp off forum, at the XP Off NPC’s, and the level 20 no sub twinks?

There are twinks that stick to their community, I see them as the true twinks.

To be fair, it’s “these” forums. People who engage in the playstyle (not all of them) who post here give their community a very bad name. It’s so bad to the point where they’re a meme in the xp off community. Don’t judge your views on them from those who embarrass themselves here. Most (what you would call) “true twinks” wouldn’t post here if you paid them.

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and your point??

You sound bitter, have you tried PvPing?

This is how you create more macro exploiters.

Idk what that means, should I report them for cheating?

It means acting like that encourages people to exploit in order to smash undergeared players like yourself.

You necro a thread for this? :joy:

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