XP Nerf to Party Members Because One or More People, in the Party Have Their XP Turned Off

Why is this a thing?


WoW is the only MMORPG I know that actually makes being in a group a detriment to gameplay. It’s pretty ridiculous, honestly.


To stop people from making twinks to sell carries, like was rampant in BFA with Freehold/Island carries.

I swear, y’all can’t make up your mind. Blizzard does something that stops a good chunk of carries being sold, and you’re up in arms about it, but when they don’t want to do anything to stop raid carries, y’all throw a fit.


blizz: we heard you wanted to maximize your stats on non max level toons. how dare you not play max level after we’ve nerfed gems and enchants and professions to get you to stop treating our game like an rpg. now everyone gets to suffer the consequences of your decision, that’ll teach you


First of all, I’m not one of those people. Second of all, I was planning to shut off my XP, so I can remain in Chromie time and actually sign-up for the Classic LFD dungeons. That debuff better not go on randoms, but IK it goes to the rest of my manual built up party, when we all went together 'cause somebody in my group had their XP turned off.

I don’t find this system fair especially to randoms who had no part in your decision, to shut off your XP.

EDIT: I’ll have to test it out, but it be real unfair and not nice of me, to put an XP debuff on a bunch of randoms, if this truly is the case.


You do realize that people don’t all think the same, right?


Actually…we wanted the scaling fixed that made this work. BFA the devs went full bore stupid with the scaling. and were too incompetent to work out how to fix it.

This was bad To the point a 119 was weaker than a 115.

Scaling needs to be taken out back, shot, put 3 in the head as its lays on the ground just to be sure…then burn it.

This solution was crap they pulled out of their butts.


OK good, just tested this, and it looks like they don’t nerf the randoms. Only your manual groups, you make. I was about to scream, if this debuff went on randoms. I’m not seeing a debuff on them, when I qued on a character with their XP turned off.


Will they get the debuff if you que for another dungeon with them after finishing the current one?

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That’s a good question. I’ll have to test that one out, too. The likelihood of that happening, in my experience is very slim, but I’ll definitely have to test that out and try to give an answer.

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The problem with blizzard’s solutions is that they almost always ruin something for other players when they fix things based on player complaints. Although, in this particular case I think blizzard had more of a problem with it than other players.

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Blizzard only does the things that helps them make cash… See the pattern here?

The low level scaling is bonkers. A level 10-11 is ridiculously powerful compared to someone at level 30-40.

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Can’t sell boosts when people can get carried by players just as effectively and quickly.

Good idea in theory, bad idea in practice. What if I join a random LFG with someone who has XP turned off? Or is that excluded from the XP off ‘feature’?

I just tested this, and it doesn’t effect randoms, thankfully. Still trying to test and see if you re-que with the same randoms, if they’ll receive the XP nerf, though.

Only blizzard would make you get weaker as you level.


you get extremely good gear from that starting area.

They shouldn’t because it’s not their fault you are turning XP off, how are they to know?

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Sadly this was one of those things that Blizzard saw players abusing, so they changed it to make sure players couldn’t abuse it anymore. So you can blame the players for this one.

The method that would be used was essentially this. Player A, let’s say a warlock, would stop XP at level 110, and they would twink themselves out to the max. Legion legendaries, BIS Antorus Mythic gear, maximum ilvl relics for the Artifact and until it was fixed, they’d even use BFA gems in their gear.

That increase in power, combined with the way scaling worked in BFA, meant that at level 110 a player could solo island expeditions along with certain dungeons, like Freehold, which has no mind control mechanics. The other two dungeons available at level 110, Shrine of the Storm and Waycrest Manor had bosses that would MC or disable players who tried to solo it, so that was a no go. Essentially these twinks would do way too much damage and they’d be able to survive anything the expedition or dungeon threw at them. However, the moment that player hit level 111, then the player would be unable to solo because the scaling would change.

And because they could effectively solo without any difficulty, they’d just grab random folks (2 for expeditions and 4 for the dungeon) and power level them. Obviously this is something Blizzard never intended to be possible, but rather than break the scaling for people at level 110, which would cause a TON of problems for players who weren’t exploiting, they nerfed the XP gain for arranged groups that had people with XP turned off in them.

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