XP gains from PvP in Wrath Classic

How is it any different from a geared 70 and fresh 70 in the same BG. Which happens ALL THE TIME.

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The people that complain about twinks generally tend to suck at pvp. They just use the gear disparity as an excuse and coping mechanism for their own failure.

Making a twink isn’t even hard and can be done under 100g easily.


I will bite for giggles I’m bored…

You know this isnt true but still you’re looking for reactions… people that join bg’s at low levels is to do something else besides questing and it’s their choice not because they will be disabling exp and having max levels to carry them through places for “bis” gear for that level…

At least this post makes sure that smart people will simply avoid and forget any sort of pvp “experience” they wanted to try during leveling.

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thats the real solution

Translation: “I assume I know everything but am genuinely out of touch and wrong all the time”

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Twinks would just stop queueing, bringing us back to the problem currently in TBC Classic- not enough players to make the bgs pop.

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And that’s what exactly will happen on wrath smart people will avoid low level bgs and the precious twink queues are going to be during certain hours or not at all… happened during retail and twink players dont like facing other twink players so… it’s a dead end…


I would have no issue with 1-2 BGs being a level to be honest. Up to level 68 at least.

It’s very different. You will see when the PvPers are on the forums complaining about raid gear being better than PvP gear.

I have trouble understanding this.

Or they could grind a max level toon, and invest in an alt for a different game experience? Instead of having a handicap handed to people why don’t they want to put effort into it anymore?

The whole “People will quit after their first bg” is also something I don’t get. The same issue happens right as you hit max level. Someone who isn’t prepped will run into people who honor capped/token capped in tbc and get rekt at 80 just as bad.

I guess I’m oldschool though. I like the thought of investing into something for enjoyment and not having things handed to me just because it’s “currently” unfair even though it could be even playing field if you also invested the time into it.

This would be like starting a new job and saying “Well the ceo makes this much money, so I think you should either reduce his income or give me just as much because I also want to work here. We’re at the same place after all.” idk.

Oh and again since I keep seeing comments on it, Most twinks loved fighting twinks idk who says they didn’t. We had premade v premade groups nonstop on my server back in the day.

We’ll see, but i agree with you for the most part. If people are leveling and the XP is subpar compared to questing/dungeons, they will do the PvP quests and avoid them because they are just trying to get to max level. Some people might hang in the brackets, but i don’t think it will be the norm. But i could be totally wrong, and lower brackets will boom. No one will know until it happens.

The south… I mean the twinks will rise again!

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Good change. Rejoice low level alliance i will carry your noob asses to victory in warsong gulch.

Random BGs were never meant to be balanced, you getting one shot on your level 16 character with two greens is your choice rushing headfront down mid going past your teams twinks that are waiting for the idiots to clash.

To add in blizzard should absolutely fix the dumb geometry in warsong so out of bounds crap from vanilla would stop being cancer. Put spike traps on geometry edges.


They could always apply the “No man’s land” debuff from mt hyjal to the out of bounds areas in WSG. So as soon as you jump you die.


This is amazing. Thank you. I can ditch retail and just live as a 79 in wrath BGs forever. Gearing takes less than a week.

Also I want to note that a group of my friends, who are currently either on a wrath pserver or playing runescape, are coming back specifically because of this change.


I agree that unbalanced is better than nothing. However, it might be nice if the twinks got matched up twinks, if possible, and only merged groups when needed.

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Blizzard pre-emptively making sure that more people buy gold from their cough sorry, from third party websites to make twinks.

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Oh not jsut that. Now is good time get a 2nd account with 58 boost. even the 58 will gear up 19or 29 twink pretty decent. Not record clears on dungeon…still will clear em well enough per reset.

Now you don’t care if they break your 19’s xp. you are there to gear boost that twink 30 times if need be for the full BIS dungoen blue fotm twink setup.

all rolls go to them you see. 15 for the month is saving gold on crap greens lol. Law of averages say you will twink out an alt for cheaper than 3rd party gold. and no risk of ban.

retail is not even planned twinking for some. I am not loomed up for that.

My name is misanthra. and I am an alt-atlholic. its been 3 weeks since I made my 20th level 60 in retail. classic chars too…

so this puts off some of the non loomers. I won’t buy them…its not right. that is thir stance and well…they can have it. It is their time and money.

but yeah…75% of us are alt addicts looms are core to that addiction err hobby.

20 % here are people twinking.

and there is 5% left for the anti loomers. leave or…stay to play with the 95% at least in almost full looms.

number made up ofc…but reasonable examples imo.

and this is why sub 50 bg is dead most times. 50 to 60 picks up only because of the thread of fate pvp daily as I see it. As soon as I get my win I knew I was done for bg anyway.

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nah there will be plenty of people wanting to play low level bg’s because of the XP

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