XP gains from PvP in Wrath Classic

Well then the question becomes, if this doesn’t work would they increase the EXP?

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Thank you, I like this.

all those dks in av sub 60 were basically twinks back then.

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That’s really not true. I recall leveling through AVs, and I capped plenty of towers while twinks were fighting in the zerg on the road, constantly checking the bg charts to see where they ranked on kills.

LOL truth. Especially in the totally OP state they were released.

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Especially AV, as I recall. Hope they retain the increased xp for that bg.

av cap was 51-60, so unless dk’s took time to gear out correctly they weren’t actually that good in the bracket.

So you support the ability to sit in the city, que up for something that auto groups you, teleports you there and teleports you back when done in order to level up a toon?

Welcome to the Pro-RDF crowd.


hate to break your rose tinted glasses, or whatever the kids say nowadays, but dks could have queued naked back then and still owned AV.


My 60 twink rogue could kill a dk in 1 cheap/kidney with killingspree if they didn’t do any work on their gear. I have vivid memories of it. Sure it was decent but it wasn’t godtier. They couldn’t touch an 18k hp warrior either. Much less a 10k hp prot warr who was geared properly and knew how to play it.

We call those “Blizzard colored glasses” nowadays

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This is a sensible and good decision.


wait, how many hotfixes and patches later we talking here? everyone cried about how much damage dks did, even in frost (tank) spec.


So the entire expansion their supplied gear didn’t stack up to twink gearing. But in the 3.3.5 patch they weren’t that great you didn’t see a ton of them twinking out at 60. They were better early on but they still weren’t (base dk geared) beating 18k hp warriors and legit twink geared toons.

Just make sure we can queue for bgs from the honor tab as intended, and not have to sit in the city.

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you didn’t see them twinking because people wanted to run end game with them. come on chief, keep up.


Got to preserve that get outta dodge port to BG when you are losing at world PvP, eh? wink wink


retailers did this in 15th anniversary event for 2 reasons.

the xp was so good if you could only do 2 hours of an 4+ hour av and bailed…it was still good xp. no win (or lose) conclusion needed. Back caps mattered…they were moar! xp lol

it was scaled well. 60’s were not cattle to be slaughtered by 119’s. they used boosted instance mechanics. only “edge” a 119 got was a fully talent /cast loadout. that 60…got whatever 60 had unlocked. hp and damage boosted as that was all equal.

A lesson not learned years after., last one with the sl systems…the lower levels had no chance. you auto walked up a road to not get /afk reported.

You were dying …may as num lock that and watch more fun youtube. get your mounts if a new player anf go…yeah, this 17 bday party event was cool. Not…

so first the levelerls dropped…then the hunters of levelers. who went back to epic av regular format.

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Rip those innocent poor souls that thought that they could take some respite into some pvping action while leveling… twinks are going to destroy every single one of you. Good luck you will need it.


Unless they make so even if you get farmed you get more XP than questing or dungeons, most people will avoid them. People are about efficiency, and if it’s not efficient, they will do the PVP quests, and then ignore BGs until max level when they can start getting max level gear from them again.