Xal'atath is an Ancient One?

The dagger was simply a container for its essence. Think of Xal’atath as a virus that has no physical form that needs to infect a host. They corrupt their vessel causing that hunger and mutation. After Galakrond was slain the Old Gods contained Xal’atath in the dagger to reuse when they needed.

Not all of Xal’atath power was taken from Galakrond though, and some was left in his corpse. Iridikron went back to extract the remaining power that way Xal’atath could be whole.

What has stopped Xal’atath from showing again is not being complete.

Or Xal’atath was a pet of the Old Gods and with them dead their making a power play.

He states the Harbinger will pry the World from the Titans’ grip and walks into a Void Portal that visibly has the silhouette of Xal’atath standing inside the Void Portal.

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What is the lore behind the Harbinger? Could the Ancient One be same?

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*a vaguely elven figure

Even assuming that is Xal in the portal, there’s no reason to assume that she is the Harbinger herself. She could just be an agent, a messenger, or an intermediary.

Besides Iridikron’s voice lines in the video up there, just a single lore book from the Reach:

Rise, rise! Our Queen calls to us from beyond the Umbral Veil. She has transcended the Circle of Stars and basks in her eternal grandeur!

The time we have long awaited is nigh.

Even now, the Harbinger gathers the children of the first flesh to reclaim what was lost. They must remember their vows and serve those to whom they owe fealty.

### PAGE 2

While they toil in the deep places, we will journey to the shores of dragon lands, to the blessed isle where the Worldbreaker first embraced the whispers.

As one storm recedes, another rises. The torches have been lit. The secrets he buried will strike as a dagger into the hearts of his kin!

### PAGE 3

The Harbinger speaks of a primal power that seeks the end of Order. Such rage can be bent to serve our ends.

A hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed.

A dark heart left broken awaits the taking.

### PAGE 4

When these things come to pass, the Harbinger will fulfill the final prophecy and complete the awakening.

Only then shall our Queen return to reign over sea and sky and earth. We must make ready.

Rise, rise! Soon all that was hidden will be revealed.


It reads as if Xal’atath was the cause of Galakrond hunger. Also might have been also called the Harbinger. Xal’atath had Iridikron retrieve the hunger from Galakrond inorder to infect Azeroth, which will cause the Titans to return.

Then Iridikron will do something to the Titans.

This is all speculation so just make your own theories.

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Idk how you guys can muster the energy to care about the emerging plot. Its all so flimsy and contrived, it may as well be an anime arc.


The greatest are those that are less known.

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Better than finding out that the MacGuffin to all of World of Warcraft’s storyline was conceived by a pointy nipped robot.

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In the Priest Class Hall, there’s a document that hints that Xal’atath is the remnants of a 5th Old God that was consumed by the others.

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Is this referring to the item Iridikron claimed in the cinematic of the infinite dragon flight dungeon? It sure does look like a “dark” heart of Azeroth.

That whole passage also sounds to me like they’re making reference to queen Azshara, too.

It’s interesting that she’s attributed to this quote too, another one with “the hunger.”:

“I know your dreams, your lust for power. The hunger with which you pursue your desires. Kneel before me, and I will bestow talents beyond your wildest imagination. Refuse, and you will be crushed beneath the tides!”

I wonder what the “hunger lost to the ages being reclaimed” could mean. Galakrond? Galakrond would eat other proto-drakes and regurgitate them as zombies - and then sometimes eat THOSE again. Interesting that there apparently was a brother that Ysera and Alex had that didn’t make it, and then in the same dragonscale/TYR quest line, Toddy mentions that Ysera was trying to work with the undead…

Could galakrond’s instiable hunger have meant he ate one of their clutch mates, and regurgitated him, making that proto-drake (and sibling to the future aspects) undead and that’s the reason Ysera was allegedly interested in undead?

Could that character be “hiding among us” and part of the final expansion conflict? And a nod to the “hunger lost for ages being reclaimed?”


At least this makes more sense than some people assuming Y’Shaarj is alive. Though it would be far too simple and easy to believe. If N’Zoth ‘won’, then it would at least mean Azeroth became ultimately the harbinger that demands sacrifice, or their Void Lords at least.

Though whoever the Ancient One is, its a bit more far-fetched that Xal’atath is it. Though this is a good way to put together some theories that may mean what we’ll see later.

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The silhouette that is seen on the other side of the Void portal is ether Xal’atath or Azshara in her Night Elf disguise.

It is the shape of an elf, but cannot be completely sure if it is a Night Elf’s or High Elf’s.


my money is on Azshara. Xal’atath doesn’t have the kind of big, narrative pull that Azshara has - IMHO - and Blizzard likes their recurring characters.

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To be fair I won’t be surprised if both of them are involved.


Y’all talk about this knife too much.

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Look I carried her around for two years while she whispered sweet nothings in my ears.

I have feelings


Such strong feelings that we all woke up one day and went "Wait… where did I put that knife? Oh well…"

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Nonsense, I was forced by the narrative into sacrificing her because some giant sword was being problematic.

If it had been up to me we would have said deuces to this planet and gone off on fun space adventures together, but nooooo

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I also like the VA for the knife, too! She voices the GW2 Norn Female and some other WoW voices.


I dunno. As talking weapons go, I preferred the Aluneth snark.