Azq’roth is the alternative timeline where the Black Empire never fell and the Old Gods rule. In this timeline, after defeating the Fury of N’Zoth, it’s possible to discover a Chipped Stone Tablet After bringing the tablet to Soridormi, we find we are able to read the inscription ourselves.
<The script is unfamiliar, but as you stare at it, its meaning becomes known. The experience gives you a mild headache.>
We gave tribute today, as we do every day. The Ancient One continues its meditation. The hunger of the Ancient One must be sated.
Strange day today. A familial relation to our tribute ran up and asked to replace our intended sacrifice.
Of course, I thought they wanted the honor of pleasing the Ancient One. Yet when it gibbered and pleaded, it seemed as if it felt they should save our intended tribute.
The tablet makes a reference to The Hunger Games - it describes a “familial relation” to a “tribute” offering to take that sacrifice’s place. The heroic deed was to stop the tribute from being fed to “the Ancient One”.
In Hearthstone , the Ancient One is one of the Old Gods’ generals, and it is considered their greatest creation. Even after its death, the Ancient One can be summoned back to life with enough of its blood. We wonder if our own timeline had an Ancient One that could potentially be resurrected the same way…
So perhaps Xal’atath is actually the Ancient One and was bound to the dagger as a way to control them until needed.
The most likely things I can think of is either she was possibly the strongest old god that somehow got beaten or an actual envoy of the void that somehow got trapped. It would make sense for the void lords to have tabs on some of the old gods. They don’t exactly seem to be the type to follow orders after all.
interesting theory, but it kinda feels like a blind leap considering we have no evidence connecting knaifu and the ancient one - or even anything that confirms the ancient one exists in our timeline.
for all we know she’s the jailers letter opener he lent to c’thun.
Xal’atath was sealed for millenniums and a large portion of its strength could have been lost. On the other side they might have been completely powerless without a corporeal body. They left quickly after getting a body, and never showed how strong they might have becomed.
If the Ancient One is the Harbinger(unlikely) than Xal’atath is the Ancient One(unlikely) with the goal of bringing about Azshara’s ascension.
Of course to humor the notion that Xal’atath is the Ancient One let’s consider the implications:
N’Zoth could have kept Xal’atath under control if he lived but now she will be in service to Azshara who won’t care how many people are being fed to Xal’atath for the sake of her hunger.
N’Zoth probably thinks a Black Empire under his control would be better than a Black Empire ruled by Azshara where random civilians are fed to Xal’atath. Needless to say the Visions of N’Zoth Questline makes it quite clear his World is just a tyrannical regime built upon making Paladins renounce the Light through torture.
In the end N’Zoth’s Black Empire is no better than Azshara’s Black Empire. Both are tyrannical regimes that only serve their ruler’s narcissism.
This is what the Ancient One being Xal’atath theory implies. There thankfully has been no evidence that she has any relation to the Ancient One.
Azq’roth is the World you are looking for.
Ulderoth(a different version of Azeroth) is heavily implied to be a situation similar to MU Draenor: no World Soul but a lot of Spirit.
Considering how the Pattern is described as Dreams it is clear that each Timeline’s Great Dark Beyond is a Dream issuing from a sleeping Titan and the only thing real is the Worlds containing the Titans in each Timeline.
MU Azeroth is a True Titan as are AU Draenor, Azmourne and Azmerloth. Everything else is false. Only Worlds that hold or once held Titans are real while all else are lies born from the Titans’ Dreams.
In each of the Thousand Timelines there is one True World within each one with all else being lies.
Hmm,I don’t think Xal’atath is an ancient one ,she has no need for the hunger but something does and that why Iridikon took the power of hunger from Galakrond to feed it,maybe has an exchanged favor ,which is laughable because if Xal’athhad anything to do with it he’ll get it but not what he wanted.<past history never turned out good for any of them…lol.
Wait ,you are saying they are one entity? I can understand the essence and regeneration,but one being? Hmmm,that would be very dangerous has it would devour everything and everyone including the primialist that serve them.
I guess we’re not that different than in SL after all.
Xal’atath may have been the Old Gods ultimate weapon, so they would give them a physical form when they needed. The remainder of the time they just kept them sealed cause they might have been too strong, and the Old Gods were always worried they might revolt.
Or Xal’atath was what was corrupting Galakrond, and the Dragons could not kill Xal’atath cause they were incorporeal and sealed them in the dagger.
Old God’s against the ancient ones? I’m beginning to see the the resemblances to Uldum’s statues as we enter the land and why they where there in the first place.
That could very well be ,yet it could be taken ,they were there and needed a body (which could be any) to do their deed of which at that time and place life on Azeroth just begun,why conquer a world that doesn’t have much to begin with? Even if Azeroth was the true goal? if would mean there would be nothing left in the universe at all. The end.
The Hunger that Galakrond felt was Xal’atath, and they need it back inorder to start consuming to gain power. Xal’atath might be a parasite that needs a host to feed.
I still like my theory that Xal’atath is actually Y’shaarj.
In her dying breath, Y’shaarj dispatched her consciousness into her claw as a last resort to survive, which is what turned into the SPriest Dagger.
And over the past 150,000+ years, she’s started to regain strength. Then with her heart destroyed, she was finally able to break free of her prison in her claw, because there was nothing tethering her old self to the world anymore, so she emerged as Xal’atath.
We were never told what Y’shaarj’s gender was, so it’s entirely possible Y’shaarj was the only female old god, so this theory still could fit in the lore without any retcons.
All they’d really have to do is say Xal’atath corrupted one of Garrosh’s shaman when they came into possession of the dagger, and convinced Garrosh to seek out the heart for more power. Still keeps “Garrosh was truly evil and not corrupted” intact while making a logical storyline explaining why Xal’atath is a mastermind, as she orchestrated her heart being destroyed so she could escape eventually.
Let me get this right, the hunger you said IS Xal’atath before she was placed in the dagger? If that is so then we are indeed repeating history,oh nice a time loop. So what happen to the dagger ?
Haven’t really done much in the new patch’s story. Is there evidence now to indicate that Xal is NOT the 5th old god? I thought there was plenty of evidence to point at that or something.
Xal’atath is clearly SOMETHING within the Black Empire, and considering its power is enough to wake most high ranking minions of the Old gods and return their power to them I’m willing to bet either a Old god themselves or as mentioned something as powerful as the Ancient One or Harbinger.