X-realm automation facts

This is a prime example of why you’re so awful at this game and why no one should pay attention to you.

Performance is more than just raw damage numbers, especially in PvP. Mechanical skill like movement, positioning, calls, and understanding your cc and how it interacts with the rest of your team. You have class tech, like casters drink walking to get mana faster and getting more movement in forcing melee to move further to get to them. Or rogues pre cloaking mortal coil to stay on the lock and prevent the follow up fear. Hunters who are masters at keeping people out of their dead zone. Or shamans who drop actual good totems.

Then you have gear and raw numbers.

You could brute force your way to out damage a guy in greens, sure, cool.

But everything you’ve said so far does not indicate you’d fulfill the first two of the three boxes, and you would not out preform a guy in greens because of your inability to work as a member of a team, and because you refuse to actually play your class well.

It’s pathetic you actually think that raw GS means anything to anyone with at least 2 warm brain cells.

Run away with your tail between your legs again.

EDIT: I wasn’t fully awake when I made this, but now am I, and who are YOU to talk about gear? Reread this, trogg. :point_down:

THIS IS STILL YOU. You want to talk about gear? My brother in christ get rid of your tank trinket first.

EDIT EDIT: Fix your enchants and gems too. You got like 3 enchants right. The rest are all wrong. Pretty much the same for your gems Mr. Parry Gem in my Caster Weapon.


well said, agree with you there. Damage is one thing and you should always deal damage if thats your role but if you provide support and assistance, stay out of crap and your DPS goes down because of that…I ll fully support you. Thats actually GOOD GAMEPLAY

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I love your expose posts

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You’re the expert on PvP now? you who thinks that objectives in battlegrounds are PvE based?

He didn’t expose anything. He’s just rambling on about nonsense and off-topic.

That’s why I’m reporting him as such.

The entire premise of what you’ve been saying the last couple of days boils down to…

I’m throwing every BG simply for walking into them with a parry gem on, or throwing WSGs because I decided to cast sentry totem

It’s just nonsensical nonsense, and it’s off topic.

More so than the guy who has “super secret shaman strats for sentry totem by placing it in the wsg tunnel.”

Can’t forget that now can we.

Also, 1646 peak is your current peak. You’re below your peak as of last ironforge character update.

You wanted my attention.

I’ll take your lack of a rebuttal to my post as a concession of your surrender. Run away with your tail between your legs again dog.


The ad-hominem has stemmed much more out of you than me.

You only come off as low brow.

Also. if naming names is against the forum rules, then so should the constant listing of my personal stats, like your listing of my arena rating and gear specifics. There’s a reason they don’t keep an armory for classic.

All of that, plus the fact that you’re purposefully derailing and going off-topic, should have been grounds for a forum ban already…

But I know you’re a direct company shill out here targeting me to discredit anything I have to say…

So we both know that you’re not going to get in trouble for what is flat out breaking the rules.

Saying you wanted my attention is not an ad-hominem. Calling you a trogg is.

Cope. I explained myself clearly, and as you can see from both reactions and comments, others agree. You just don’t like it.

Because they’re lazy? Because two, and now about to be a third version of classic will just outright no longer exist? If we follow your logic, then retail would have had their armory removed long ago, but they still have it.

You said X-realm queues are unbiased. I agree’d but added that the players aren’t, and we’d still kick you. That is on topic. You derailed you own thread past that by putting words in my mouth, and I have no problem correcting you. You only have yourself to blame for this.

There is multiple posts of mine removed from Blizzard, I’ve been silenced for up to 6 months, and I actively say I hate Blizzard as a company consistently on these forums.

But sure buddy.

Report me then.

Until then, run away like the scared dog you are, with your tail between your legs.

Never should have spammed that at me.

Before I could respond to that post, you made another one soon after reverting to your ad hominem approach, which is why I didn’t report those posts, but I already moved on from what could have been being back on topic.

I didn’t put words in your mouth.

I’m interpeting your cryptic, nonsensical nonsense the best I can.

Oh really? You’re correcting the misinterpreted misinterpretations?

Like your “kicked” post. I didn’t report that one. That was you attempting to get back on point but like I said, you moved on too quickly from that post, As did I.

You are an individual who has made multiple ad hominem attacks unprovoked against many forum users off of your own ignorance. You just don’t like having it done back to you.

Also, you’re dumb, reread this:

You did. You derailed your own thread by trying to say I just kick people in greens when I never mentioned gear. You then proceed to cope and ignore all of it. Its in this very thread. Scroll up.

The only misrepresentation is you. Everyone else is on the same page.

No, you have a history of trying to call people out then running away when backed into a corner. You’re just a cowardice rat.

You have yet to address anything I’ve said other than just coping and deflecting, then pretending that I’m derailing your thread when you won’t actually engage anyone if they aren’t on their knees for you. You’re a sad man.

All you’re doing is gaslighting so once again, I have no choice but to report you.

You can reread this entire thread.

I made the topic but you decide what is on or off topic?

The very nature of this conversation is just continued derailment.

Even your point on kicking isn’t really relevant to the topic. The issue is about getting into content, not what happens when you’re already in that content.

Being OP does not automatically dictate that you can just on a whim decide what is and isn’t off topic, based solely on if people agree with you or not.

Seems pretty relevant to the topic since the entire basis is being “gatekept” and thus the “need” for this system.

Once again you continue to derail and leave me little choice but to report you.

Yes, the OP decides what is off-topic and what isn’t, whether you agree with me or not.

Hahahahahahahaha sure buddy

And let this be clear evidence of your continued derailment.

You’re taking the conversation towards what’s on or off topic.

You said that to yourself.

I ran out of report charges so you’ll have to wait 5 hours b4 I report you again.

I guess if you have no rebuttal to anything I said then this is the next best thing.

You just gaslight. You don’t discuss anything.