X-realm automation facts

LFR literally will force players to be in a group with you.


Someone grabbed their finger and forced the button pushed on their computer?

No, tool.

But the system puts them into the same group with you. A group formation is still group formation whether it’s organized or not.

I fail to see where someone forced them.

So you’re subject to the same subjective social interactions and community judgements but now it’s mediated by a different Blizzard interface. You can retry endlessly so you’re having access! I just fail to see how that’s more fair, and certainly now how that increases your chance to see the end of any raid.

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It’s really not hard to understand, you’re just being intentionally dense because recognizing this truth kills what you’re saying.

I think, well, I’ll let you finish the sentence. :point_down:

if I can get in, it stands to reason that not all groups will behave in that manner. If I’m cooperating with the group’s progress, unless someone peaks at my gear and decides to make an issue of it, it is likely that no1 is going to care what I look like, as long as I’m contributing.


But the groups that don’t care are the ones not finishing the content to begin with on the easiest difficulty, let alone the hardest which is what you’re arguing for.

Assuming that LFR drops heroic level gear then yes this forces players to play together. And I know you are the type of person to ask for that, based off the rest of the shiet storm you have been spewing.

You’re replying to me but quoted Wafectus. Idk who you’re aiming this at. I think I can figure it out though

And why isn’t that our prerogative?

That’s the rest of you imposing yourselves as AHJs.

You all say you don’t care if a bunch of noobs queued for Algalon via LFR and wiped to eternity…

But your constant opposition to it doesn’t reflect.

Because going into a raid assumes you are there to defeat the raid. If you are not there to do that, fine, but then you don’t need a system to put you in a group to go die to trash. You can just go do that by yourself without issue.

Yeah, I ultimately don’t care if a bad group is bad. My issue, as I said, let me requote it for you :point_down:

I have so many posts to you that I actually almost don’t even have to type anything anymore. I can just fully quote myself.

Why didn’t they go through a guild or PuG as is common?

That’s just you assuming things, which based on that, you become a self-imposed AHJ.

Ok, where is the assumption?

I said this :point_down:

To which you responded with :point_down:

So if your prerogative is based off of what I just condemned, then it’s what you’re wanting, since it’s your prerogative. You are saying that your prerogative is to be in a group where no one cares, but generally, those are the groups that struggle the most even in LFR on story mode. You want this on the hardest difficulty that exists.

So you’re saying your prerogative is to go in and struggle, with almost no chance of defeating the raid.

So what is the assumption. Again, you claim I just assume and I lack comprehension, but you have YET to actually elaborate further on any of those single claims, opting instead to ignore it entirely and reply to someone else at best, or at worst, moving to a new topic entirely before saying I’m derailing the thread because I responded to your new stance you presented.


Nobody is going to endlessly wipe in random groups. Either people stop running it, or it’s mostly partial premade groups looking for fillers that will impose their requirements, or Blizzard will nerf it.

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This will sum up the converstation well.

I’m not doing any of that; and, I feel like you’re the one doing all that.

That is literally all you have done, ever.

If you put this much effort into your gear and play, you literally wouldn’t have an issue.

If the difficulty of LFR was super easy then they wouldn’t. But having the best attainable loot being a matchmaking free loot fest destroys all integrity of the game. You are not entitled to loot, to access content, or to force players to play with you. You need to ask yourself the questions about why you keep getting declined or why people don’t want to play with you, instead of blaming the system.

Sorry I was replying to Wafectus not you.


I did figure, but, I like to just confirm to avoid confusion.

None of which reflects anything I’m talking about.

You see, even you do the same thing.

The issue isn’t about what might happen. It’s about access and access alone.