X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

Its not only class balance…Devs had holidays update in a roadmap…0 threads from Blizzard asking for feedback during or after the most recent holiday, specially after CM Kaivax replied on a council thread last year for more feedback after hallow’s end, same issues happened with new rewards and those concerns were raised by a council member during last live chat in December.

I’m afraid all the feedback will be ignored and the next holiday that’s noble garden will be the same thing.

And that’s just one topic, check all those other threads for retail in the CC forums being ignored. I know they’re working on next expansion, but maybe dedicate some resources and handle better their own Council forums.

Another example, BFA legacy update…we’ve been waiting for that the whole expansion and I don’t mean legacy damage, just changes to bosses or mechanics like the legendary cloak requirement.


Well stop signing up for things that aren’t 100%…and stop trying to push freebies on others <3

Got it this year? Check
Telling others to deal with it? Check

Good to know which side of the fence you’re on.


increased drop rate applies to all players, not just you. a higher drop rate does not mean everyone who wants it is guaranteed to get it.

there would still be people who don’t get it :frowning:


if you crash into someone will it break their heart

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True but that’s the opposite % of the current drop, because if every character has the same % equal to the first attempt means like 20-60 years of attempts in a single year. I know that you’re right someone could miss it but i doubt that will happend in 2 years in a row compared to now, since a lot of players missed it 2 years since fix and some players used even 2-3 bnet accounts doing 4-6 years in the last 2 years and nothing.

It’ll turn the mount into something easy for dedicated collectors using alts.

Btw, it’s still the Love Rocket. Don’t ever let some angry, disgruntled people change the name of things that you enjoy.

It’s also still the Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians


Omg, pixels earned 1800+ comments, yet the game suffers. Wonder why? xD

game suffers not!

why would you doubt it? unless the drop rate is 100% it’s just about guaranteed to happen to somebody.

if the argument is “i probably won’t be that somebody, so i don’t care” – fine. but be honest about that :slight_smile:

You’re rigth that’s why I’ve mentioned BLP that’ll eventually be 100%.

I don’t like the idea of using armies of alts as solution, however; I explained that so many attempts will turn the % the other way around to almost hit 0% chance that someone can’t get it, but its still RNG.

There’s some probablity ideas that if a % reach certain point is almost 0%, We’ll need the drop % and calculate how many attempts is required to reach the goal but at that point is absurd and a bad reward desing.

Devs should fix the core issues, using alts is one issue because it remains as the best approach. They could add a vendor, a better BLP like the current legendaries that are eventually reaching 100% via a drop increase based on your progress, instead we just got a full RNG solution that doesn’t reflect the participation involve by the player.

I can’t say effort because the encounter is another issue…afk players , wrong roles…really unfun experience, in my opinion is almost 0 content. Hallow’s end Hardmode did something new but players got frustrated because old and new cosmetics are still pure RNG and the boss last longer which is good but players want to grind so many alts.


They have :slight_smile:

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So its worse to have CMs that lack communication, over them not having ANY CMs?

Make it make sense…

If we knew that CMs were casualties of the last lay off, then We can perceive their lack of response like a result of that, they can have that excuse.

What’s the excuse for their lack of communication now? And the misshandle of that forum.

You did 30 threads during your time as Council member, only 2 got a response. What’s the idea of this being handle like a GD with a lower player sample?

Devs mentioned that they wanted to interact with players but they let CC members to create threads and then 0 interaction from Devs and CMs. That’s why some members did threads about their lack of response.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m not defending them and their lack of communication. It’s dog doodoo for sure (except for the SoD team. They doing amazing).

I had the option to rejoin the CC, but opted out of it because they just didn’t have a plan, and from my observation now, continue to not have a plan on how to communicate.


I got your feeling…another thread created today…

I can’t imagine being part of that forum group, creating threads and threads about concerns , feedback and that lack of communication.

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did everyone mount a loverocket this month

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I did over 50 attempts on two days (got desperate enough to reactivate my third account at the end), around 45 attempts for several days, and on the few “low attempt” days, I still did several. I’ve been farming this since the first year it was out, many years running 20+ to 40+ daily attempts.

Meanwhile, my husband, who only ran once per day, and doesn’t have anything vaguely close to my attempts in ANY given year, got the mount. He was almost afraid to tell me, which was fine, but then he unthinkingly rubbed it in that he didn’t like the mount and would never use it. /cries


Oof thats rough :frowning:

Its also why something needs to be done - rare sure but not this “farm hundreds of times a year for decades” nonsense.


do you love the rocket