X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

the big love rocket*

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As said; got nothing.
What a suprise.
Two weeks of this has really killed my motivation for retail.


Two weeks of this event was enough for me to unsub

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Keep the drop rate at 1/3000 (or whatever) but remove the daily lockout.

Let people farm it as much as they want during the limited holiday.




Learn to compromise

Never when bad scenarios are presented.

they have this weird mindset that they have to lock players in weekly or something instead of just letting us play, if they removed the daily lockout who knows what would happen?? people might play more? like for old content idk why it matters for real you should be able to just farm whatever, but as we all get older we can CLEARLY SEE that they just want us to keep wasting our time weekly or play the lottery loot system its clear as day light that they think they save retention by doing this but in the long run they are just destroying the game, this isn’t the only case there are multiple.

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I just got to 3K IO for the first time - so I deeply care about game play and invest a lot of time in it! I can also speak to this too – because I like all things WoW and want every aspect to be fabulous :slight_smile:

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The cosmetic- and achievement hunters might be the more loyal and long time subscribers, so I don’t see how they would be harmful to the game. When the parsers, M+ grinders and patch tourists take a break because they played everything, collectors are still around to do their thing. They always have goals to achieve.
Achievements and collecting are a big pillar of gameplay and it’s just ignorant to pretend otherwise.

I probably won’t. I already know that I will miss out on different FOMO rewards until TWW will have launched (Fated stuff, prepatch stuff and probably other things too) and will never get them, except maybe in 10 years from the Trading Post. I don’t see a point in continuing with collections and achievements then, when there are holes in my collection I can’t fill anymore. Just another point of toxic reward design.


My compromisation skills went out the window after 13 or so years of farming this. How’s this for compromising? After 3000 kills, it auto drops?

It is for me. I’m dropping until the new expac. For some reason this year in particular really irritated me and isn’t remotely fun so it’s clear I need a break.


I’ll explain you how this work if the daily lockout is removed…

Every player will have the same field, only 1 character required in order to spam the dungeon, therefore; Players will form groups in order to spam the dungeon as many times as possible. Turning this into a worse SLOT MACHINE , a fight that will last less that 10 seconds because everyone will use their best gear characters.

Then, Blizzard will have to remove the instance limit because players will do 10 runs in matter of 10-15mins, otherwise, players will level up alts in different realms in order to avoid the instance limit, rotating between realms.

It’ll just burn out collectors even worse that now…We don’t need the lock out removed but actual improvements and progress due to our efforts just like the Axe Legendary BLP. I’d like to see a more engaging encounter with a proper RNG , if the fight is going to take longer.


if you only sub to play the ‘love is in the air’ event, it’s probably not very cost effective to keep a sub going the rest of the year anyway. hopefully next year is your year!

Hugs Qwaterpound…sad to see you leave…sometimes you just need a break to regroup…hugs hugs hugs…

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Bummed for you folks that did not get the reward for the heroic efforts you put into obtaining this old crufty mount.

At a minimum each attempt done by a player character should increase the chances for characters on that account by 1%, increasing to the point that you are guaranteed to get it after 99 attempts. Will some people get it in 2 days? Yes. So what? It’s past due.

I hope Blizzard comes out of their cave of silence to respond to the concerns but I doubt they will. This event is mighty disrespectful of player time and contributes to a toxic environment.


I still play other aspects of the game. I got KSH, AOTC and I collect. It’s just, I’ve had awful luck all of 2023 and this event was the straw that broke my back.

the compromise would be to help people who spend the time to level alts to farm it more (ie: loot protection, increasing the drop rate, or making it purchasable w/account bound currency you get from killing the boss). Giving the increased drop rate to only the first kill on the account per day caters to the casuals who don’t really care to do it, but might as well do it once.

Last day of the event, already didn’t get it from my first box of the day, and find it so hard to keep the motivation going for my other 14 toons. Might as well knock it out, but with a 1/3000 chance, and after 14 years, i’m not hopeful at all lmao


Nope, going through all 104 this 15th day (hopefully will finish before the event ends). Still no armor.

At least you’ve got the mount. I’ve got neither lol.


I hate myself for trying to get it, I hate the people who report getting it, I hate the people I see riding it, I hate the people I see not riding it, I hate you people crying about it…I hate the game, my wife , the kids and the dog. Everything is a slap in the face.

There, I win. I’m the most miserable. That’s the point of this thread , right? :smile:

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