X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

Grats man! Happy for you

Congratulations man , you earned it! Ride that love rocket a lap for me!

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Can anyone tell me if the rocket is trade-able to people in your party? My friend and I have been farming it together for years and if it ends up dropping for me I’d really like to give it to him. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Thanks buddy, I will. But I really really hope that RNG gives you that last day luck!

Also I hope you’ve been running your 2x accounts together? I’ve heard reports that it IS working to give an extra first chance box, so there’s hope… even if it’s unlikely.

I’ll be here still advocating for them to fix this holiday though. It’s ridiculous that something that’s available for 2 weeks has such an abysmal drop chance unless you literally pay money for what are essentially extra chances.

@Iyami, no, you cannot trade the Rocket under any circumstances - it’s push-personal loot from the Heart-Shaped Box so it’s unable to be traded even within the group which really sucks. I had friends who would’ve happily run with me each day to give me that extra chance. Very nice of you to want to do the same for your friend :slight_smile:

Aw ok, thanks :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Yeah, I mean the space between reset and the event last hour, it’s like 3 hours…I hope there’s not a maintenance but with my luck its another year without anything…not even the manuscript


Results for these incredibly rare mounts are always all over the place. It takes a massive amount of data to reach conclusions. The issue with that is that data that has been collected over the years by wowhead (through reader participation due to installation of their app) has no way to detect a recent change in drop rate. Blizzard itself does not reveal drop rates, we get them from user data on wowhead.

The Sha of Anger mount is supposed to be a 1:2000 drop. On my old account, I had 4000 attempts before I got it the week after the drop rate was changed.


If only they did :smiling_face_with_tear: I am not even playing this game outside of farming disappointment 71 times a day. It’s too demoralizing lol.


It’s not because you loot it from the box, not loot it from the mob itself. A friend tested this with me last week - he got the mount from the box and tried to trade it to me, knowing how much I’ve wanted it, and wasn’t able to.

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Yeah, I wish it was tradable, It could work as a social mechanic for a love event. Tomorrow is our day Arte :smiling_face_with_tear::heart:

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Rounding up the last reserves of my copium and lighting incense at the altar for us!


So I can think of three people in this thread that I recall that reported getting it on subsequent kills of the day on a separate bnet account. The vast majority of us have essentially wasted our time and burned ourselves out, leading towards resentment and anger, the exact opposite emotions that this holiday event is supposed to convey.

I have a simple proposal, remove the chance of a mount dropping from subsequent kills completely. Those of us with armies of alts cannot be trusted to regulate themselves, with one dude in here saying he was dedicated 5 hour each day in the past two weeks devoted to farming this mount alone.

That initial pushback I’m feeling from fellow addicts myself, would this not be better for your health (mental or otherwise)? I know this sounds like a CCP style regulation, but if Blizzard is not going to universally buff the drop rate across the board, then to me this is saving “us” from ourselves. If I feel like I have to purchase 5 separate bnet accounts next year to feel like I have a realistic chance of getting the mount, I’d rather just buy it in the store at that point since it’d be cheaper.

P.S. I’ve seen some people talk about sharing the love and willing to group with others to increase their chances of the mount and I’ve thought of another proposal. Create a system in the game, either through gold or love token cost, that allows us to selflessly buff our friends chances for that day. It’d be more in the spirit of the holiday and altruistic, and be inline with this more recent social contract of blizzard.


Yes been running my wow1 and wow2 together - only two more boosted chances for me I’ll make sure I use both at the same time for sure so far no luck

Same. My week of WoW consists of raid logging for the legendary, getting nothing, trying daily for the mount or dragon skin on dozens of alts, getting nothing and just logging. Pretty sure I’m unsubbing after the event as my brain is starting to associate WoW with just chores/disappointment.


Yup I’m seriously considering unsubbing as well after Monday. Maybe until the next expansion or next love rocket event in 2025. Working as intended blizzard?


I will be too. I’ll save up all that extra sub money to do the 5 accounts next year.

What a joke this is.


0 x 0 still = 0

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Same, I have 24 plate wearing characters, 3 do heroic, 5 do normal, the rest do LFR, almost 300 Fyrakk kills now, still no Axe. I’ve been doing that weekly since beginning of S3. Now add in 104 attempts at the Love is in the Air event daily, and these last 2 weeks have taken a toll.


Quite a few people have said they got it, most on the first run of the day. I got it on my first run of the day.

fantastic… but that doesn’t do anything to help the players who have been slamming their head against the keyboard religiously for 14 years, with nothing to show for it.