X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

What toy?

Edit: Nvm, found it.

Still nothing.
3 days left.
Losing hope.
Losing will to live.

Same, I didn’t sleep well yesterday for this grind…after working all day then doing 5 hours of this grind…

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Pretty sure there’s not even 3 days is there? There should be 1 more full day and then 1 more chance early in the morning?

Well… there’s today, saturday, sunday and monday morning… :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Yea meng, 14 characters each day just isn’t enough. No number will ever be enough for this account apparently.

No mount or saddle yet, and prolly won’t happen (yet again/at all) this year. Gives me something to look forward to next year I guess, since they really don’t do much with holidays anyway.

That’s what I’m supposed to feel about this whole thing, I suppose.

Ah okay. I’m OCE so it’s confusing, the calendar is sometimes wonky for us.

So can you confirm for me that there’s 3 more resets AFTER this current one? I’m aware the final day is only for a few hours. I’ll actually be pretty excited if that’s the case, I thought I only had 1 or maybe 2 more chances but 3 is much better.

my calendar says it ends 10am on the 19th, so i’m interested in this answer too… not that it makes any difference.

0 x 0 = 0

The mount is very ugly, if it makes people feel better.

Yes, that’s a subjective opinion, I know. And the heart wants what the heart wants, I get it.

49 a day here…

I’m EU (eu forums are dead)
We got saturday, sunday and monday until 10 am GMT+1 left. Event ends then.

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blizzard please just make the mount a 100% drop so we can let this thread die


I agree, The instance cap is just the worst. After the 1st roll of the day, the odds are back to the crap they always were the 1/3333 allegedly.


Personally, I think it looks really cool. I really love the zebra seat, the purple smoke and the little white love heart decal.

I’m glad you at least mentioned it was subjective. It’s really unhelpful when people come in and go “Pfft, I don’t even know why you want it! I got it first try and I’ll never use it” like that’s meant to be a helpful addition to the discussion.


Of course. I’m definitely not the final authority on what looks good or not. Heck, I mogged archeus as my 2h.

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Nah, I’m with you - I love a lot of the older model weapons. I wish we had more hi-res simple/historical type weapons and armour. I really loved the Dragonflight plate leveling set, and a lot of the Trading Post weapons have been awesome too.


Can the council push the conversation from the last live chat?

Someone asked about holidays after Hallow’s end because Arfus and the Manuscript were really bad RNG, Devs replied and talked about respecting players time but the solution to this grind didn’t fix anything regarding Fun, Alt farming.

Its the same fight, they didn’t even add a hardmode compared to Hallow´s end, I know hardmode did queues worse and we won’t want that with this event, but we don’t want that because we’ve to do so many attempts.

I’m worry that nobble garden new mount and event will be something similar with massive RNG on time limited events that shouldn’t work like that.

Ion even mentioned that they avoid to do changes into mounts that have an intrinsic to the players and that they want to define “rare”.

Who defines rare? Each players, there’s not a definition of rarity between all players, someone can care more about X o Y mount for any reason, I don’t think even Devs can set a value on that.

Besides that, this mount rarity changes depending on which patch you acquired it, a player that got it 8 years ago could say mine rarity is higher because I didn’t have the first daily boost attempt or you can say that someone that got it when the minimum level was 15 and you could create multiple characters with not effort for extra attempts…they’ve a better approach that now on which the minimum level keeps changing…


Havent slept drank or eaten in 9 days… will be suing Blizz for game tokens, if I make it. :skull_and_crossbones:

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At some point players will go… hey… you know what? this juice? yeah, not worth the squeeze - and they will leave.

They won’t care either, just so long as the hamster wheel can keep on spinnin’.


This whole announcement, much like the drop rate on the mount, is a massive troll.


Honestly, I’ve had relatives born and die, lived less time in their lives than the 12+ years I’ve spent in mine trying to farm this mount. If I stand way back and look at it from this standpoint, it’s vile and disgusting. No drop rate should outlast people’s lives like that. My poor cousin never got the chance to get it.