X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

Ok, buddy. Like I said I saw someone loot the drake armor.

Council Live chat: https://youtu.be/WIl_hO1XMN8?t=1344

Kaivax, Council members…Ion said during your call “that they want to respect that time”…that effort shouldn’t be diminish…etc during your last call.

We’re still doing every attempt possible, for a lot of collectors trying over 10+ years, it seems like this year is just another one without the mount. I personally have to do runs for almost 5 hours due to lock instance…its the worse grind ever and probably next expansion the minimum level will be 70 because that’s another thing that keeps being moved.

Can we get an actual BLP that provides progress?


Make it so that every 100 mounts you have, your drop rate goes up 10%.

So I have 800+ mounts, my drop rate is 80%.

But the schlubs that don’t even know they have more than 3 mounts and don’t care one way or the other … their drop rate is 0.003%.

Give me an INCENTIVE as a collector. Give me a GOAL to work towards!



Blizzard should provide GOALs that’s the part missing from these events when they only do RNG as a method to reward players, because a lot of players won’t get anything for their efforts.


the reason you “don’t see” it, is because people don’t open the boxes inside the instance.

when you’re grouped with someone who loots something from a box, you see the contents which are looted.

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but you need to have a previous group before the instance group…

i do 55 attempts per day and I don´t notice anything for that reason. I open all my boxes inside the dungeon.

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No. You. Don’t.

I’ve literally seen people open their box, get the mount, learn it while inside the instance. Then only thing you see is the achievement.

Go check. You’ll never see anyone’s loot from their Box because IT DOESN’T APPEAR.

EDIT: Naamah may be correct in that if you queue as a group then you MAY see your groupmate’s loot from the box. I wouldn’t know, I never queue with anyone. However if it’s just people in the instance group, I know for a fact you won’t ever see it. I’ll queue with one of my alt accounts at next reset and see if I can see box loot if I queue together.


no you don’t

Blizzard really needs to improve this asap. I hate to see so many farmers trying to get this … and not getting it. My daughter got hers on Valentine’s day (yay for her) but my brother who has farmed this thing far far far longer (since the beginning) is still not getting the drop.

It is absurd.


Maybe before the boxes became push-personal loot, you could see it. But not anymore. I challenge you to find a single screenshot that shows “Player received [X-45 Heartbreaker]”. Hell, even received Forever Lovely Rose or Fumigator’s Mask.

I’m not trying to be rude, but you are mistaken. You do not see other player’s box loot, whether they stay and open it in the instance or not. Feel free to run the dungeon at reset and check.

Second attempt. Not bad. Group wasn’t happy though.

Congrats! Glad to see someone nab it :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

most people drop group instantly… so how am i meant to do that?

3 more days… the hope i had this year is slowly just crumbling like the past 14 years… :pensive:

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what shocks me about this image, is the 12 love tokens.

pretty sure i’ve never seen more than 10.
if some people are getting an extra 2 per day, that’s a lot of tokens across the event.

looks like the “bad rng” people get pooped on in more ways than one. :expressionless:

Hmm, I find most people open the box in the instance. But of course, it’s hard to tell since you don’t see their loot :wink:

I honestly think you’re mistaking seeing like the Winking Eye of Love or the perfume etc. You DO see the Love Tokens that people get, but that’s all. I promise, I’ve done so many of these runs and literally seen people get the Rocket and learn it, and it never appeared in the chat. I’m not trying to trick you.

Also, 0/4 first attempts today. 1 more day of attempts, yay. 100% not happening this year - if it does then I’ll literally shave my head bald and go give 100,000g to newbies in Elwynn Forest.

weird, because i’ve never seen that, either.
and if they were opening their boxes inside, then those WOULD be seen, because they come from the same box which you’re saying we can’t see the loot from.
so if you’re seeing the tokens, then you’re definitely seeing their loot from the box.

either way, it doesn’t matter.

someone said they hadn’t seen anyone loot it.

my take on that, is that they don’t see it because people don’t hang around to open their boxes.

your take on it, is people do hang around to open their boxes, but other players can’t see what comes out of those boxes …other than the tokens.

the poster saying they hadn’t seen anyone loot it was a completely irrelevant statement.
(i don’t even recall who it was at this point)

Yes, it’s incredibly unimportant xD And I’m much less invested in arguing with you who is at least not saying “Oh but I SAWWWW it~!”

I actually might be mistaken about the Love Tokens, I’ve been looking at so many screenshots trying to conclusively prove the point one way or another and it’s entirely possible that I’ve ended up confusing myself in the process.

Yeah, I think I am wrong about that one.

i’m in queue for number 6 now.
i just got my first heartbreaker toy.
can’t even vendor it for the heartbreak it brings. :broken_heart:
i won’t make it through all my runs this session… it’s almost 3am

Oh man, I’ve got 4 Heartbreaker toys this event. Which is hilarious because the Heartbreaker is a 1% chance, which should be the same as the “boosted” Rocket. But can I hit that? Nooope.

I’m at around Alt #6 or 7 now too, I’ll probably get them all done just because it’s annoying to have to run them again later. But I don’t even know why I bother doing the alts, considering I know that it’s never gonna drop. The only chance I have is the 4 boosted chances, and I only have 1 day left of those. Yay.

Next year I’m either going absolutely all out and bankrupting myself with extra accounts or I’m not playing at all. We’ll see which it is at the time.