X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

would be nice if this trash had a actual significant increase in drop rate and raised to say 20% since its only 2 weeks a year we can even try and farm it. its been so many years im not even gonna use it or feel joy for getting it. ill just be happy the grind is over and its 1 less mount i need to get. were well over a decade past joy and using it. mount rng is to far from where it should be for any sense of joy to happen this is more like paying your taxes and being happy its finally over

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You’re totally right, there’s a % even with a 99% to be the 1% multiple times, it’s the opposite so most players will have it but it could happend, the problem is that this is a time restricted event per year, compared to other grinds that you can grind the whole year, some you can even do infinite amount of attempts without restrictions besides time.

That’s why a Holiday Event should be rewarded via a Goal, something that you can achieve, it could involve more engagin gameplay (I’m not saying difficult gameplay) like a questline, + a scenario with a boss…etc or Devs could add some BLP that eventually will reward your goal, it could be a vendor or a increase % for each attempt until at somepoint if you have really bad luck, you’ll reach 100%, Remember the Legion legendaries that had a system on which each activity filled a hiden score, then you got a legendary in the next activity when you reach a high score.

There’s so many ways to fix this issue but Devs didn’t provide a good solution, since the issues mentioned by Chimes remain.

i was a star student then again “star” in the american education system is like last place in any other first world country

You wouldn’t be because this wouldn’t happen.

This is like thinking 0.99 repeating isn’t equal to 1. (It is.)

Very unlikely to happen, but still possible.

It isn’t equal. It’s very very close to 1.0, but isn’t 1.0

Ya, same here. I also started when it first became available to get. Been running as many alts as I could each year. Each year I also had more and more alts to run. This year I have 49 characters that can run it and today it finally dropped and like you, was in total shock! Finally after so many years.

Good luck to everyone else out there as there is a chance, I didn’t think I’d ever get it myself.

It is though. You have to think in infinite terms. There are mathematical proofs out there if you don’t believe me.

Similarly, the odds of missing on a 95% shot 600 times are so infinitesimal that they are, in reality, zero. Much less than 600, in fact. It literally wouldn’t happen unless you had an infinite number of players. Since that is only possible in theory it wouldn’t happen in the real world.

The pink fox mount off the trading post fulfils my pink needs. Dunno about others but the love rocket’s only appeal for me is it’s pink.

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Pink is always good, unless it’s the color of flesh you put in your mouth.

How charming…

0/4 “first tries” today - got a 3rd Drake Manuscript, which I just deleted again.

It’s been obvious to me from Day 2 that it wasn’t gonna happen for me this year. I am actually gonna stop playing til minimum Season 4 after this event, I’m completely burnt out on RNG - whether it’s Great Vault, Raid, M+ or mounts. I can’t get anything that I work towards because RNG takes a dump on my face, whereas other people get things so easily. I’m over it.


Lucky, I haven’t even gotten the Manuscript yet


The what now?

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this is BS. I only care because of principle. I’ve put the past 14 years of my life into doing this 15x a day for 14 days. I’m not doing it because “it’s rare”, and I’m not even doing it because it looks cool. When it first came out, yes it was cool and unique - now there’s 10 diff rocket mounts and hundreds of mounts that are better looking than this.

At this point it’s pure idiocy on my part that i’m still doing this, but not ‘rarity’


Dear Blizzard, ever since I seen this thread that you promised to us that it will have a great chance of dropping. I have used up all my boxes 12 boxes X 15 characters =180 boxes BUT no drop on the X-45 Heartbreaker. Does it not applies to Asia customers? Looking forward to a favorable reply.


FWIW - I have been running 3 toons a day this year. Finally dropped for me tonight, on my first attempt of the day.

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12 characters a day. Tons of roses, gas masks, pets, necklaces… not a single sign if a rocket or a manuscript for me or my friend who does 12 a day with me. This BS is why I quit the Headless Horseman event.


I’m doing 55 characters…same 0 mount or manuscript so far.

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omg you guys, i got

…some cruddy love tokens.



Upside: thanks to the changes to the Love event, I was able to buy all the collectibles using throwaway alts this year.

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