X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

Ahh there it is. Once your claims are officially wrong, you go for the “it’s just a joke” cop out. Hilarious. :rofl:


do you get offended when your students call you by your first name too?

7 characters a day every day and still have never seen it…

youll get it eventually.

I mean… Duh? It’s a sign of respect. They’re children, and I’m not their friend. I’m their instructor, and the authority in the room. No, they don’t get to use my first name. That’s just common sense. :joy:


must be nice living in arrogance.

my school teachers never had a problem with it.

How wonderful for you. I’m not them. :slight_smile:

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yeah you find fulfillment getting mad at a video game company over pixels.

either you get it or you dont. part of the fun is doing the dungeon and opening the box

I’d love to hear other people’s input - is this the “fun” part for you? I want to see how many people have had fun opening hundreds or thousands of boxes, just to get nothing from it for years on end. Let’s wait and see. :slight_smile:

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theyre too busy playing the game or other games

No…It’s not fun at all…the event feel worse now with this band aid fix, specially after a Reward Dev acknowledged the issues with the event but didn’t fix anything.

And we could be busy but the game triggers a LIMIT INSTANCE error…such an amazing experience


How strange. The kid up there seems to think this is the fun part of the event. But then again he also thought a .0003% chance was the same thing as a 50/50 chance. I guess I just lost a coin flip 315 times in a row. :rofl:


It’s also a dungeon limit per server, meaning if you have alts on other servers you can swap over and do more than 10 per hour.

The problem is when you’ve most of your characters in a single realm…

teacher being immature and calling people they disagree with “kid”

yeesh. american education system is indeed collapsing

This just in - teachers don’t act like teachers when they’re not at work. Just like most other jobs. What a shock. :rofl:

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you’re definitely a teachers aid.

It’s okay kiddo, I’m sure most of your teachers didn’t like you either.


Sigh - another day, another round of utter disappointment.


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As frustrating as it can be not to get it (with only the first kill each day being boosted), if they upped the drop chance on all attempts (or even just the first) wouldn’t that only cause greater frustration to not get it?

Even if it was upped to a 95% drop chance, there will always be outliers. Personally I wouldn’t want to be that unlucky sod who, after 600 attempts at a 95% drop chance still came out empty-handed after 2 weeks.