X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

better get those alts ready!

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I’ve made I think 10 alts this year …. Blizzard working as intended time played metric .

They already responded. They won’t change anything about it, they’ll keep it that way.

LOL no need for this player to get alts ready …I am done with that place and that mount …have it…but I feel they do need to up a drop rate some …took me 14 yrs to get it…with one year doing it 55 times a day and never got it that year…that was year they lowered the level to get quite a bit…

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yea i got it last year i was doing it like 11 times a day i think, or something similar to that. it should at least be buyable with a lot of the charms at the very least.

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No I don’t agree too it being buyable …I do agree with upping the drop rate but not being able to buy it…

Did you get on the “first increased chance” or on an alt farm?

it was an alt farm. i remember getting it on my rat dk and it was like the third from the last character of the day.


Well earned my friend.

Chimes - working as intended? See how much fun we are having with these mount farms?

Blizzard - any updates for us?

they will increase it by .5% and that will be considered a significant increase. blizzard doesnt want a happy playerbase. they want us angry and wasting time farming things over a decade old

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Ikr - why won’t blizzard just give us an answer? The event is next month and they have ignored thier own blue post for over a year.

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They announced in the timeline that the Love is in the Air dungeon encounter would be redesigned.

I imagine that that’s probably going to look like a system like the Headless Horseman where you can up the difficulty for yourself for higher chances at loot, including the holiday mount, with an extra bonus “first battle of the day” higher drop chance.

Personally, if it is the same kind of deal, I’m not jazzed. A fight that used to take less than a minute will get dragged out for 5+ minutes I’m betting.


Sigh I think you are right and they are going to drag the instance into a longer encounter. It’s all about time played metrics


Either way, I suspect more people will get it this year. (I know of like 7 people getting it last year)


I got over 100 mounts last year and i just got Life-Binder’s Handmaiden today , so i dont get it this year i wont even be mad lol


Don’t let another year go by blizzard


[quote=“Debbyfrowner-thrall, post:1053, topic:1511429, full:true”]
Don’t let another year go by blizzard

They had the audacity to see before it was too late to make changes to the annual before.

We better not get a pity we know we can do better next year but this year it’s the same.

yep, and blizz wonders why people are leaving for FFXIV. I don’t know, maybe because they have achievable yet grindable goals. If you don’t get a mount to drop you get tokens to buy it. sure it might take doing it 50 times but at least you can still get it.


Well it finally happened, blizzard responded to our questions we have been asking about the love rocket on this post that’s been here for over a year.

I take everything back.

Then I woke up.