X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

We are 2 months away from Love is in the Air! Anyone else excited to not get the mount again? :slight_smile:


I am totally excited I don’t have to run that place ever again…I got the Love Rocket :rocket: I am done chasing it…


Mememe, Odds I won’t get it are still forever greater than the odds I will. Law of large numbers of alts never is enough. Love Rocket 2024 emotional support group complete with twice fortified arcwine station for after it likely doesn’t drop. :wink:


According to Data for Azeroth, only 4% of characters that have been scanned by their database have the X-45 Heartbreaker. So, it’s a sampling since a lot of characters have never been scanned, but multiple characters on the same account would all have it.

I’m not sure what the stats were before, but clearly the 2023 changes didn’t buff the drop rate to anything significant. And I’d be willing to be there will be more shenanigans introduced in 2024 like the way the Headless Horseman fight was updated to make to “challenging” again (A.K.A. gratuitously take over five minutes for no real reason) :roll_eyes:


Can we actually get the GOOD BLP for the 'voker legendary too, while we are at it? Because the hidden increase ain’t it.

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Responding to myself with an update, also:

29% of characters have the Headless Horseman’s Charger currently.

15% of characters have Invincible.

14% have the Glacial Tidestorm.

9% have Mimiron’s Head.

5% have Arfus.

Those don’t really count, because they can be farmed the whole year, not just during a short holiday time span. And the Glacial Tidestorm was a 100% drop for a whole expansion.

It’s also a bad sample really because the people who are likely to sign up to Wowhead’s data analytics are the kind of people more likely to have such things.

Barry the Noob doesn’t even know what Glacial Tidestorm is, and knows Wowhead is that website that posts Wow news on his guild’s Discord.

Oh, and that Community Council thing is such BS. What about those of us who have spent the SAME years and NOT got it? What about how we feel? Especially when THOUSANDS of new players got it last year without trying. I’ve seen SO MANY people with 1-2 mount Feats of Strength and the X-45 from 2023 on there.

Oh well, looks like I’m signing up like 5 new Bnet accounts towards the end of January.

You got sources for that? Or is that just a claim without any base?

Ok so the Christmas event is going on and the next holiday event will be love is in the air. Can we get an update now please blizzard?


No the next Holiday event is the Lunar Festival…

Don’t give them any excuses lol

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It will probably be exactly the same as last time, just with another RNG drop added.

Invincible and Mim’s head were also 100% drop when they were current, but yes they are very easily farmable year-round.

Yeah, mood. I have 3 separate bnet e-mails/accounts I have activated during the event. Not like it did my any good, I’m at 3680 attempts and I have a feeling I will keep my no mount membership card in 2024). Outside of the event I have only 2 accounts active on the same bnet e-mail. IIRC you may still only be able to have 3 separate bnet e-mails and 5 or 6 accounts within those battlenets?

Tis better to be drinking twice-fortified arcwine than twice-fartified orcwine.


I’m so tired of the stupid drop rate of vanity in game. All competitors (FFXIV, GW2) don’t have that. But somehow after 17 years we still got deal with those ridiculous mount drop rate.


Make Omen a mount as well, only drops at an undisclosed rate from the big dog himself during the Lunar Festival event. Instant engagement!

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Event is a month away please blizzard just respond to us


Come on now Qwaterpound you’ve got to let them get though the Lunar year event first…hehe…hugs…love you too…

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They’ll increase it from last year’s 0.0000000000000000001% to a mighty 0.000000001% this year.

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