X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

I’d be fully in favor for that.
But ppl drop group as soon as they are done looting in most groups.

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True but if they were informed the mount will be tradeable I’d bet they’ll stick around to see if anyone got it and already knows it. Slim chance I know but it’s still a chance. I seriously do NOT want to have to ever toss a low drop mount out of my bags again. Blizz, please make them all tradeable!!!


I hear ya…
One year I had 6 horseman mounts drop for me. 6!!!
Hurt my soul to trash them.
Nearly earned me a divorce too. Since my wife got her first this year…

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Based on this comment, Can we get the X-45 Heartbreaker even more? Its about time…We’ve been farming this for 10+ years…the JACKPOT feeling was lose years ago, if I got this mount next year, its going to be a relief feeling…Please do better with this player experience and philosophies.

Maybe something that some council members could discuss further, its about time for this mount.

See the comments above…at least allow us to trade it with friends. Its a friendshipt and love event…that should be the minimum expected, if I got bad luck but someone else help me then it provides a better social experience.


Im happy for you, i only resubbed 2 weeks ago, so i definitely missed on this. If these terms continue or get improved for 2024, maybe ill be lucky.

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With how bad my lucks been in just getting stuff this patch if I can get the mount, anyone can


I mean, there’s always going to be someone with way worse luck that you. The nature of RNG is anyone ‘can’ but doesn’t mean we will.

I’m still certainly the lowest geared in my raid due to RNG hating me like it has for over a decade.

Well the community council thing has said it all :frowning: How disappointing :frowning:

It took me a year of farming to get the mount off the sha.

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A year that is nothing there are some of us been trying since MoP came out since 2012…or really from the time they finally fixed that mob to actually have Mount in its loot table…yes for over 6 to 8 months the Sha didn’t have the mount in its loot table…Blizzard caught holy you know what for that mistake…


Do you still work at blizzard? Can you respond to your own post?

I ran 40ish alts for several years since it came out in 2010 except for last year since I took a year break from the game. I have since deleted my armies because i have neither the time or desire to keep up with them all anymore. I think i have 15 toons now? One of each class and a few extras that after i finish class order hall campaigns on a lot of them will also get the boot.

I am the kind of fool that levels an army in order to give myself a metric ton of chances on stuff every single day/week and have done it a long time and is the reason my mount collection is so large.


I’m so glad I don’t ever have to run that again.

I got mine on the last day last year. I was about to log when I realized it dropped. I was on an unused alt and I almost didn’t run it because it was late. Happy happy.

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Thanks for mentioning that. Now that I’ve read it, I’m really disappointed and annoyed. So they’re planning to introduce even more RNG items but don’t want to change anything when it comes to aquisition. While again talking about not wanting to “wasting a players time”. :roll_eyes:


It’s really weird their idea of “prestige”, ¨rarity"… I understand there’s that for some players but there should be some sort of limit and they keep talking about respecting players time.

There’s so many solutions and ways to improve it but they keep going with their EGO which cause a bad experience that’s not rewarding.


I got my Phoenix from Kael not too long ago after farming him on and off since original WotLK. Felt like I beat the game when it happened.


997 posts and not a single blizzard response

Does a thousand posts trigger a blizzard response?

1000 posts on here… blizzard we deserve a response to your blue post.

1000 replies from players and 0 replies from Chimes or CMs…They’re doing changes for the event next year but we can’t even test or check if there’s improvements for the drop.