X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

And yet, I have the Love Rocket mount. I still don’t have the LK invisible mount. So farming ICC on alts week after week is okay, the raid taking way longer then the 1 boss queue. Maybe increase ALL mount drop rates


Thx but no thx. I farmed that thing every year and after the name change who the hell wants it? I was so disappointed when they did that. I’d actually be pissed if I got it now.


or they shouldn’t have bought a 12 month sub if they didn’t think it was worth it

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Shreds approves.

At last, Big Love Rockets for all.

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Good stuff! Hoping this year will finally be the year I obtain this mount! Been farming it for years now on my main and alts each year!


Finally a really smart decision. Bravo.

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I hope I will be lucky this year ! :crossed_fingers:

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What is the lowest character level to get the epic box?

Probably 60.

And putting in a request here to have the Vile Fumigator’s mask broken into a helm (gas mask) and a back (plague tanks) and made cosmetic.


I hope so, I only have 3 70s -_-!

Level 60+ its been -10 from max of the expansion that is live.

How does that accomplish their goal of reducing the pressure to farm it on an army of alts?


Well this solution didn’t fix anything yet, We still need to see the new % chance for that first attempt per day, now every player will have 14 good attempts, therefore; collectors are already planning to do the same as always…every possible attempt.


This is awesome! Now we just need skips in some of the older raids (i.e. ICC, SOO, Ulduar, etc).

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Doubt it since it was one of the devs that got frustrated by the drop chance when they were trying to farm it.

Probably like 1% or something

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The Love Rocket? Oh that’s cool.

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Don’t know, I’m a bit disappointed because in my opinion this change isn’t enough.
A year ago you guys already stated that you would work on a solution so event mounts wouldn’t be such a frustrating RNG-experience anymore. You had so much time to come up with solutions and got so much feedback on how it could be handled.
And all you came up with is “We increased the drop chance a bit”? Really?
You also “greatly increased” the drop chances for Sha, Galleon and other open world mounts and I still haven’t seen a drop so we might still not see the rocket for the next years. There’s no BLP or something to work towards. It’s still completely RNG if one gets it.


This is a great change. I hope that these kinds of changes to extremely low drop chances can be implemented elsewhere. Holiday mounts especially are way too low at times when they only have a week or so to try to get.

There should be bad-luck protection on all low drop cosmetics. At least for Legacy content. I’d like to spend more time doing fun things and current content and not constantly killing the same boss over and over on 15+ alts if I want a certain mount.

Other games like FF14 from what I understand give currency so that if you don’t get things in 100 runs you can buy them. I think that is a good compromise so players should do the content but not for literal years without a drop. :slight_smile:


A most needed change at long last. It’s the only World Event mount drop I haven’t got yet. Thanks a ton in advance, Blizzard! Keep up the good work!

Ahh I got to enjoy the rarity since I got it in Cata! I guess this’ll mean it’s more common going forward.

It’s all good. Hope others enjoy it in the future.