X-45 Heartbreaker Drop Rate

I think 1 mount out of the 700 to 800 available with that kind of drop rate is fine.

Makes it special.

There’s more than one mount with drop rates like that. All 4 pandaria world boss mounts are 1:2000.

Reins of a Tamed Bloodfeaster, which drops off trash mobs and was 1:3000 kills during BfA, available toward the end for <20k gold, was nerfed so hard that 60k kills are not uncommon. When I got up to 55k kills (think of finding 55k trash mobs to kill, only certain ones giving credit) I looked on the AH and found it on a server for 99k and bought it. Lowbies are farming it now. Some of them get lucky.

This mount is not special at all. It having this low of a droprate makes no sense either way. I feel pity for the people actually farming it just to have their 2 weeks wasted yet again without a drop and having to wait a year once again.

Maybe to you.

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LOL! “The Flying Friendzone”!

Yep. When I got it from literally a last-day-of-the-event-what-the-hell-why-not-this-character-needs-a-new-necklace-anyway run, my husband thought I had hurt myself or was having a heart attack. My luck is literally “if it wasn’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all” so I’d quit even trying to get the thing.

Yep! Every time it pops up in my mount roulette (and lately, it’s happening ALL THE TIME - hope I didn’t just jinx it) I giggle & say, “Oh! It’s my BIG. PINK. LOVE. ROCKET!” and my husband laughs.

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