X-45 Heartbreaker Drop Rate

Do they? They seem pretty deaf to the player base. Only way I know how that they will listen is with the wallet. If they don’t listen to GD forums, Facebook, Twitter and ingame suggestions then they will listen to lack of money.

Money talks. Stop censoring the game. Undo name change on rocket. :moneybag: :money_with_wings:

What is funny now the The Love rocket is owned by 3% of the profiles as listed on Wowhead…but guess what The Magic Rooster Egg is only owned by 2% of profiles and I have the Magic Rooster Egg mount…so my Rooster is more rare then Love Rocket which I think is cool.

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I want a fruit basket mount!

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And while we are at it, why not add the 60 % brewfest ram back into the retail game, and the black quiraji battle tank to.

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I’m sad I liked the old name better : /. I just got it to drop last year and now they are changing the name to be less cool.

Probably because there’s nothing “dirty-sounding” regarding the word “Heartbreaker” and they couldn’t come up with any other name.

Pretty soon we’re gonna be at Club Penguin levels of censorship with an E rating.


Why have a Porgen Wenis mount in-game in the first place?

Why not give them tails instead of a Wenis mount?

Knot what I want in my children’s hotkey MMORPG.

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Yes, the devs do read bug/suggestion/feedback sent from within the game.

When you “talk” with your wallet though, you’re not talking to the devs. You’re talking to Bobby Kotick. What he takes away from that discussion though is, “Huh, less money is incoming. Guess we need to lay off a bunch more people so I can make sure I get my billion-dollar bonus this year.”

And yes, that fact is HATEFUL and makes it really difficult for us as consumers to be heard but until there is some form of regulation which limits the amounts CEOs can suck out of a company at the expense of the employees, products & work environments, it’s something we have to be really aware of when deciding whether or not to boycott something.

Is a TCG item and not available in-game like the Love Rocket is. They’re not really comparable because of that but lucky YOU for being lucky in the TCG! All I ever got were… the same stupid cards over & over again LOL!

Agreed, since it had a different model than the 100% Brewfest Ram. There was also a 60% Brewfest Kodo which should be brought back.

Wasn’t that the mount granted for ringing the gong? Sadly, only ONE (The Chosen One?) player per server got that bad boy.

Because, as the item description states, the boss who drops it put in blood and sweat to gift it to an unrequited love. It’s nothing to him now but a reminder of that time

Well even though I hate this change and was really mad I decided not to quit wow. But doesn’t mean i’m not heavily disappointed.

I will hazard a guess here that the issues female employees have with the culture at the Blizz workplace is not really related to the trivial changes to the in game vaguely suggestive items like the rocket and the portrait of a less than fully clad human female. It appears to me that this sort of thing is a mockery of the real complaints employees have about the treatment of women in the workplace. “Ohh look, we changed the name from Love Rocket to Heartbreaker, see we do respect women.” Perhaps it should have been the “Let’s just be Friends Rocket.” I appologize if this observation is incorrect and some of the ingame sexism is a real problem. I’d actually like to know if I am off target on this issue should anyone still care enough about it to reply.

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By 4 months. It’s just a name, you should put your energy into something more productive like not necroing threads, thanks buddy.


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I dont think blizz understands…
The name of this mount wasnt the outrage…it was how low the drop rate for a holiday event it was.

Name has been since it was placed…it was fine and I’ll still call it the big love rocket >:(

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Heavens to Betsy! :rofl:

Same with me Seffer its always was and is the The Big Love Rocket.

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Big ole banana

Well, this was necroed but I guess it’s relevant once again.

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They should lower the drop rate of all the excessively rare mounts to 1:1000 (still really rare!) and put in an account-wide bad luck protection that means if you haven’t got it on attempt 1000 you’re guaranteed on attempt 1001.

There should be no mounts in the game where an extremely low drop rate combined with really bad luck results in 8000 attempts without success.