Wyrmrest Name Archive Redux

I’m super interested in forsake!

Sent you a letter as well! :smile:

I’ve been trying to reach you for almost a month and have been unable to catch you online. I sent you a mail from my main some time ago with my bnet information in it :frowning:

If I could steal the name Nachos…

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Would you say you want Nachos libre for you to take?

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Sorry, I haven’t been on my main lately! But I saw it and replied now! =)

Edit: Honor has found a home!
And I have decided to keep the others. Thank you!!

Sorry!! I only just caught up with this thread now!

Nachos is still available, I sent you an in-game letter with my btag info if you’re still interested. :blush:

Still looking info on the name Typhoid it seems to be being held on a level 1 as its not searchable in the armory.

This is a shot in the dark, but does anyone know who has the name Crybaby? It’s on a character that’s never been logged into so it’s not visible on the armory. It’s the name of my main on two other realms, and I’d really like to get it here.

Looking for the name “Sigma”

I have the following but not sure if I want to keep them. Let me know if you’re really interested in any and not just for an alt:

I will free up Chickadee, Baldr, Banan or Nerevar if anyone wants them

Also how do name locks for higher level characters work? How long is it exactly?

Most classes over level 30 (I think it’s 60 for Death Knights and 100 for Demon Hunters, basically whenever the hero classes are supposed to be out of the starting zone) will get a lock for 30 days.

I’ve heard conflicting reports on whether rerolling a level 1 on the same account that had the high level name resets the timer or if the timer ignores it.

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I remember it also being raised to a 90 day lock for most characters over 60 (higher for DKs/DHs, but I don’t recall how high). That may have changed.

If the toons holding them aren’t going to be used, I’m interested in the names Starveil and, even more so, Bloodveil. I may be able to trade gold for them, depending on how much the players holding these want and on which faction.

i want this name but i am also lazy please help

I can delete the character in a few minutes if you’re ready

I think you’re right.


Other players on your realm will be unable to use your previous name for 90 days.

Well it seems like we won’t be able to use it for 3 months anyhow?

Its a level 1

it is DONE

I’m so tempted to ask for this, sera, but I feel it should go to a more deserving/active Nightborne. Nice catch, though!