The safest way to do it is if you have a second account, you can snag the name on that. You don’t make the name change when you purchase it anymore, it’ll sit on your account like a boost or a race change and it takes maybe 30s to do.
If you have the name copied in advance, the whole process takes less than 10 seconds.
- Delete the character with the desired name.
- Click the Name Change token.
- Choose your character on the right.
- Enter the name into the field.
- Click Next.
- Click Accept.
- Click Accept again.
Still looking for the name Lasciel on WrA. Willing to pay gold.
Chonga here. I vaguely remember inquiring a GM about my name transfer. This character name was originally on my druid who I transferred over when WrA was first opened and when Legion came out I knew I really wanted this name for my DH but I also didn’t want to have to delete my Druid. I don’t exactly remember how the GM helped me pull it all off, but I do remember paying for the name change and doing the switch early in the morning when not many people were on so I would advise doing that.
- Purchase name change
- delete character with name you want
- Rename your character
- ???
- Profit.
Remember that most character customization stuff can be done in the barber shop.
Select the race and class you want the new one to have after deleting the old character with the name you want. Type in the name you want and dont bother too much with getting your perfect customization on the character screen.
Shouldnt take more than 30 seconds, if that.
Looking to sell or trade my WrA names, any trades I would prefer to do for Moon Guard names.
Lunch, Catie, Malcolm, Kidney, Phase
Nerve, Daze - Trades Preferred
Discord is the best way to get ahold of me - adyne.
If preferred send mail to Marlene.
Thank you so much for freeing up Ryssa! That was the name of my first character on Wyrmrest Accord over 10 years ago. I’m very happy to have the name again.
I need Iggypop, Dora and my beloved Butterfield here on WRA.
I have Leatherdwarf
and Mendacity
I understood that reference!
Lasciel hasn’t been available for awhile. I had Lashiel and Calashiel for awhile, but I dropped both of them years ago.
(I also understood that reference!)
Howdy Accordians, I have a lot of names available for trade or gold negotiations. None of them have cooldowns.
Moon Guard
- Antandra
- Asherelle
- Bassinda
- Chimaera
- Chromatica
- Dahnie
- Hary
- Lumont
- Marsee
- Marsela
- Mudds
- Roxe
- Salazer
- Scarlita
- Sethe
- Sinstrider
- Temesia
Wyrmrest Accord
- Arinne
- Bassinda
- Brunhild
- Causticity
- Chromus
- Dawnbright
- Euthan
- Halaa
- Ires
- Morticia
- Mudds
- Rozina
- Sarcasm
- Scarlita
- Shenzua
- Zanes
- Zeres
If you’re interested in any of them, feel free to shoot me a letter in-game!
Below is a quick list of names I’m always on the lookout for on MG or WrA:
- Rainbow
- Lucille
- Iria
Looking to trade or sell a few names! I don’t care to make huge bank off of these, I’d just like them to go to people that will actually use them, so please don’t hesitate to reach out even if you think you couldn’t afford them.
The only names I’m currently seeking are Bugsy, and Celaire on MoonGuard, but I’d also be willing to trade for short names relating to things like literature and nature.
Feel free to contact me in-game (Lyaena@WyrmrestAccord[H] or Navaet@MoonGuard[A]) or reply to me here!
Trade Only:
Mush, Cosmic, Beau, Lauren, Spook
Trade or Sell:
Spore, Carrot, Farm, Wing
Collector, Archivist, Camera
June, Azu, Marina, Haleigh
Beard, Tyrant, Eunoia, Bum
Serve, Flair, Goofy, Planet
Coral, June, Coastal, Sasha
Hiya Wyrmrest Accord ! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Dusk-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys!
Trade Only: / Gold: / Only Special Trades:
Wyrmrest Accord Names:
💝Bovine 💜Lull 💜Oxen
💘Beastly 💜Zealous 💜Tied
💜Toothy 💜Last 💜Surface
💝Aye 💜Chomper 💜Surfal
💘Seethe 💜Sadly 💘Hate
💜Bearer 💜Druidic 💘Zeal
💘Spirit 💘Fatality 💘Cutie
💘Salt 💘Risk
Moon Guard Names:
💜Surfal 💜Uhuh 💝Stray
💜Tender 💘Stop 💜Tfw
💜Vary 💜Worthless 💝Humor
💜Screamer 💜Spire 💜Wealth
💜Savvy 💜Mossy 💜Exiled
💝Slum 💜Wartorn 💜Boast
💜Sickened 💝Hyper 💜Mourne
💜Slammed 💝Strain 💜Crushed
💝Quote 💜Wis 💜Quarrel
💜Paced 💝Sever 💜Grump
💜Trite 💜Hiss 💜Curl
💜Whacky 💝Alas 💜Barn
💜Groggy 💜Call 💜Aether
💘Ether 💘Haze 💝Tale
💝Realm 💝Loathe 💜Consume
💜Rank 💘Salt 💜Found
💜Hone 💜Boil 💜Co
💘Fatality 💜Glob 💜Vio
💝Sear 💝Filthy 💝Messy
💝Fever 💘Scythe 💘Elk
I’m seeking generally short names that fit with my naming conventions. Example, names with:
Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading!
Also, my girlfriend wants me to list her list, so here it is! You can reach out to her via in-game mail on @Wish-Moon Guard.
💝Grove 💜Whole 💜Sight
💝Belore 💜Travel 💜Hurts
💜Listen 💜Charisma 💜Peanut
💝Audrey 💜Sanctum 💝Carry
💝Juno 💜Pipe 💜Coral
💜Mesa 💜Foam 💝Betty
💝Faire 💜Magician 💝Trick
💜Earthy 💜Staff 💝Mood
💜Pine 💜Aide 💜Coma
💜Neck 💜Chat 💜Check
💜Auto 💜Fresh 💝Enchantment
💜Menu 💝Judy 💝Denise
💝Lori 💜Melis 💜Eco
💜Dandy 💝Mind 💜Agape
💜East 💜Theater 💝Blast
💜Sod 💜Craig 💜Moonwell
💜Regret 💜Foreign 💝Zest
Now actually have a wonderful day!
Names for gold. Discord @ pbees
Wyrmrest Accord - Iow, Lap, Pound, Sephrona, Iead, Alot, Ohhey, Pullout, Came, Iaugh, Fak, Take, Make, Stary, Use, Week
How does name trading work? Is this a trustworthy practice? How can you be sure?
I’ve had a solid name tied up on MG for quite some time and have finally dropped plans to use it. Not interested in gold, just interesting trades.
I just want to make sure that I get what I’m promised before I give up that name.
Advice welcome. Thanks.
There’s always a risk sadly that someone is going to be stinky.
Communicating by giving your Battletag and/or Discord can help weed out the bad apples. Communication the entire way is important.
I require gold upfront.
Make sure that both sides are communicating the entire time and communicating well. You want to give them time to make the character appearance they want for that name and then have them let you know when they are ready for you to release it to them. Do a countdown once they give you the okay so they can be ready to grab the name ASAP.
Make them trust you and not the other way around. Be upfront about it too.
In my post on the MG forums I flat out tell people in my ad that they have to give me the gold (or name) before I release any of my names. If they don’t like these terms then they can kick rocks. Don’t let someone guilt you into giving them your name first.
Anyone that wants to scam you won’t agree to those terms and anyone that is serious about buying your name will agree. Also, do not chat with someone on Discord. Keep all chat in game.
Looking to trade or sell a few names! I don’t care to make huge bank off of these, I’d just like them to go to people that will actually use them, so please don’t hesitate to reach out even if you think you couldn’t afford them.
The only names I’m currently seeking are Briar and Bugsy on WrA/MG, and Celaire on MoonGuard, but I’d also be willing to trade for short names relating to things like literature and nature.
Feel free to contact me in-game (Lyaena@WyrmrestAccord[H] or Navaet@MoonGuard[A]) or reply to me here!
Trade Only:
Mush, Cosmic, Beau, Lauren, Spook
Trade or Sell:
Spore, Carrot, Farm, Wing
Collector, Archivist, Camera
June, Azu, Marina, Haleigh
Beard, Tyrant, Eunoia, Bum
Serve, Flair, Goofy, Planet
Coral,June, Coastal, Sasha
I got Bombastic, Brewfest , Lbgtq and Politics for gold.
I’d be thrilled to be killed by any of the above in PvP. Hit me up.
Released the names Dystopian and Pendulum