I’m searching for Tarala on MG and WRA.
Poking me on the forums is likely the best way to get my attention these days, since work usually has be busy.
Whos got Traevon??? Would do anything for it its been taken for years!!
I’d love the name ‘Sefa’, it was this character’s original name and is still held by a low-level Tauren. Now, this character has been Sef for WAY longer, and I wouldn’t change her name, but I’d dig that name nonetheless.
I have a few names that I’m willing to trade:
I’m looking to trade for a simple, male human name. I’m open to offers (and I’m not super picky), some examples include:
Hello! I’m interested in one of those! My bnet is Kitten#12143 if you’d like to add.
Hi! Apologies for the delay. My Btag is SyWizard#1594 so add me there and we can talk
Hey, I added you. My bnet is Belorne#11951
Lys (Moon Guard)
Quatre (Moon Guard)
For the following anime/video game names on WRA, MG, or ED:
Discord: Loli Elf Kidnapper#6928
Still looking for the name “Telemetry” please reply here if you have it and I can offer
Also just released the name ‘Hep’ for free, if anyone wants it its available, please say if you claim it lol.
Still looking for the name Tazjin. Will pay gold, and a significant finder’s fee if someone can hook me up with the owner as well.
Kero, Cuddle and Maha have all found new homes!
Here is my new, up to date list of names I have.
Drednaw (Moon Guard)
Meatlog (Moon Guard)
Eaglehoof (Moon Guard)
Kurangi (Moon Guard)
Tuktu (Moon Guard)
Harshu (Moon Guard)
Hovoni (Moon Guard)
Beefu (Moon Guard)
Singer (WRA)
Shot (WRA)
KKSlider (WRA)
Bury (WRA)
Please contact me either in game or on here if interested.
I would love to snag this, if possible.
Awesome! I should be around most of the day.
You can add my Battletag if you want
(Btag removed since I typed it wrong like a big dummy and because its no longer needed)
Are good names from other severs allowed here as well? Ive got a big long list of lore important characters and a couple fun ones.
Of course, gotta show i mean business when i say ive got good names
Sorry! I just sent you a friend request.
Ack! I I mistyped D; Its #1338.
Wishful thinking that it was 1337 I guess.
So sorry about that.
HA, I was thinking to myself as I typed it in, “Wow! What a lucky tag.”
I’m interesting in looking for a few names on Wyrmrest. Specifically names befitting a rogue and a few others.
If you have any of these names or names that fit what i’m looking for or the person who has them id be willing to trade for them.
Discord is Twych#7136