Cam has found a new home ^^
Bumping, since I added a few names to my list. I’m super attached to Maddie, so giving that one away depends on what’s offered/for trade.
A short while ago I went on a bit of a random spree and nabbed a lot of masculine fantasy-esque names! I’m probably not going to hang onto them for long, maybe a few weeks at most, but if anyone’s interested in any or all of these below, just hit me up and I’ll gladly give them to ya beforehand.
- Tanderin
- Grandrault
- Cedevyn
- Taverric
- Jayner
- Gunnarn
- Leville
Correct me if I’m wrong, but trading names with level 50 characters means waiting 30 days if you delete the character and 90 days if you name change it right? Or is there a way to get around the name lockout?
I’m interested in this name, just sent you a letter in-game!
Delete the character and remake it immediately on a level 1 character. I believe that more or less “Resets” it and lets you delete it for another person. This could have been changed, though.
Added you.
I’m intersted! Vulp and all. Already an engineer, trying to race change currently!
Message me on Torohk in-game, H-side.
Oh yeah, on the topic of Thorium Brotherhood from another thread, I currently hold the name “Goldmine” so if anyone from there or who still plays there would like it, you can have it.
Goblin rogue mmhm.
Skjor has been taken! I have Immovable for trade now.
I love Darkroom–is there anything in particular you’d like for that one? I can do gold and I have a list of names I may part with in exchange for it in the master list.
Still looking for Mirastrasza, but aside from that, I did manage to snag Isabeth, Lynnivere, and Razgore. Not really holding onto them too hard if someone is really interested, but ideally I would love to trade for a simple, feminine-sounding name that I’d be able to use with my Night Elf druid.
Small update but I have a few more names on Moon Guard - Everly, Hanna, Karah and Jaison. I also have 1-2 names on WrA I might trade if someone has a really cute, feminine name.
I’m looking for feminine, classic names on either Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord and I’d be happy to trade names or gold. bnet is Kitten#12143
Okay so I’m back and can actually be contacted about trades now.
Discord - Angel#7202
Names I am looking for: Any bird or floral names, any animal names.
Specifically looking for these, as they used to belong to me -
- Firefly
- Sage
- Song
- Cricket
Names I have for trade! (I will notate if they’re on an alt that would need 30 days to reset.)
- Sprinkle
- Wildspear
- Connal
- Rouster
- Eriksen
- Gearsparkle
- Stranded
- Pugslie
- Deathloom
- Moonlark
- Dinomite
- Larksong (I actually really like this one.)
- Singsing (Any King’s Quest fans in here?)
- Beartrap
- Poser
- Whalesong
- Clawz
Names below will need time to reset.
- Perc *** (has only been on a level 1 for about a week and a half I think)
- Rainbeau *** (lvl 48 paladin - will need time to reset!)
- Netty *** (lvl 25 warrior - will need time to reset!)
- Jacquelyn *** (lvl 50 dk - will need time to be reset!)
- Riverstone *** (lvl 50 shaman - will need time to reset!)
Soul, Whisper, and Lua have been removed.
I still have several names for trade, and added a few new ones to the list!
Wyrmrest Accord:
- Mica
- Petra
- Agate
- Vera
Moon Guard:
- Lapis (in use)
- Miriam (in use)
- Camille
- Evening
- Dragonfly
For trading, I am primarily seeking neutral or feminine-leaning real words or real names, specifically things involving mythology or nature. I’m just looking for something that really inspires me. I play on Wyrmrest Accord and Moon Guard, so either server is fine.
Hit me up on Discord!
To keep everyone aware, I’ve decided to stop posting my increasingly large post regarding everyone’s names and requests - it was starting to become a mess of forum coding and difficult to keep track of who has and has not updated their lists.
What I may do in the future is a monthly request and availability post, eliminating a large portion of the clutter and hopefully keeping those that are familiar with this forum up-to-date.
The effort is appreciated. I’ve avoided asking for a while but I’d eventually hope to get my character’s name without the alt character. Just “Velys”. The character seems to have never logged in.
The only names that I have that may be of interest are “Riela” on horde that someone clamored for several years back. Or “Vulpo” on Moon Guard.
Still chasing after the name Maggie.
I’d like to update my listing!
Still offering Majikke and Twerx, for gold or trade.
Looking for only Renji or Riko now.