Wyrmrest Confessions

I’ve been running around MG on a character that one could say is unique. And i’ve been enjoying her little escapades with the two people i’ve interacted with.

New confession:

I target night elf males in BG’s for that overdramatic death cry.

Double points if they’re hunters.


Blackrook Hold 2

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I know its wrong to kill night elves, what with the whole world tree and everything…

But there’s some satisfaction from “Hnnnnnng…DAAAAARARGH!”


I confess I chuckle a bit when someone thinks Kul Tirans are hapless and would be easy to beat in a fight because they’re chunky.

I just remind them that “The Mountain vs The Viper” is a thing.


Every now and again I wonder if there are people who have watched the Nekopara anime with no knowledge of the games; who then later learn about the games and assume they’ll be as exclusively wholesome as the show.

Personal confession. I cried on a plane after watching How to Train your Dragon III.


Hey I’m finally back from “forum vacation” yay! First things first:

Pleeeease please please please do this omg it sounds like so much fun!


I’ve lost all enjoyment for playing wow at this point. I’ve played this game for so long that it feels like this game is just a chore that I do in the hopes I’ll actually be able to raid despite the fact I haven’t been able to raid since the end of wod it feels.


Find a community of casual raiders.
Ask around.

I probably could be doing heroics, but I’m with a group that does normals. But I like the casual atmosphere, so I’m happy.

You gotta really enjoy a headache to enjoy raiding.

Not taking shots at anyone I’m just glad I’m not raiding anymore.

I am a huge, huge fan of trolls and orcs. My heart is firmly with the Horde.

But, night elves are really appealing to me too. Whether it be their aesthetics, their religious lore, or their men :heart_eyes: .

So it saddens me a bit when they’re such at odds with each other. Part of the reason why I play a Cenarion druid, to try to gap the divide in my interests a bit.


lays down next to Zatiya and props his arm under his head

You rang?


Oh you poor dear, I’m sorry you lost your beard and eyebrows in Teldrassil.


Thanks, but I’m glad because my swim speed increased.


Confession: i miss the adventures with Stormwind Embassy back in Cata so much, so I have been sneaking away to Stormwind lately to just hangout and reminisce.

I was very surprised how many people came up to RP with me instead of trying to kill me. Elixir of tongues helps, of course…

…It doesn’t quite feel the same though. =/

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I have procrastinated the vast majority of the creative work I had planned to accomplish today, despite the fact that these are projects I actually really want to do.

I was going to try to write something in response to this to illustrate how painfully it parallels my own situation, but I have decided that simply writing ‘mood’ will suffice:





RIP Ghost barn and the S.S Squidbringer :frowning:

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lol same is my go to usually

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