Wyrmrest Confessions

Sometimes Alliance-side, I feel like I’m playing the only single Draenei on this entire server, and that makes me very worried as to what that says about her as a character (or me as a person :smirk:)


I’ve started to become more and more compliant not really doing much roleplaying aside from creating scenarios in my head.

Look, I plan to roleplay… eventually… once I level my characters… and get their transmogs… and fill out their profiles…


I’ll be honest. My favorite races to play are dwarves and draenei.

But, I have too many friends Horde-side, and I prefer the quick access to stuff over there as opposed to rebuilding it Alliance side after so long gone.



Probably not a popular opinion…but I’m not a fan of Void Elves for the sole reason of it giving us the Blood Elf model and people only want to play super pretty things :frowning:

We had a huge grouping of Humans and Night Elves…now it’s Humans, Night Elves and Void Elves :sob:

I find certain character archetypes to be super annoying. Some of the more annoying ones I’ve come across:

-Any Sin’dorei Lord/Lady. Why are you all Lords and Ladies? Stop being Lords and Ladies ffs
-Edgy DH’s that like to hang out around normal people in taverns
-Void Elf/Sin’dorei female characters that have their entire persona based on how their character looks like a stuck up model
-Any Draenei Manari/Demon character
-Overly friendly DK’s that engage in normal behaviors and banter with the living
-People that try to act overly cute and say things like “tackle hugs”, “doggos”, “puppers”, and “fur babies”
-Female Pandaran just look super annoying to me, like I see it and its just a punchable furry face to me

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i think a male orc warrior wrote this post


goes to polish sword

“Screw you, Sarestha!”


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I want Jamaria to be involved in awesome, dramatic, serious stories (death! corruption! terror!) but I fear that my own ooc urge to crack jokes will ruin any opportunities.

I just wanna make people laugh.

::puts on circus hat::


Most of my Alliance characters are Draenei. If they could be rogues or warlocks, they’d pretty much be the only race I play.


I can see that happening in a future expansion

-People that try to act overly cute and say things like “tackle hugs”, “doggos”, “puppers”, and “fur babies”
-Female Pandaran just look super annoying to me, like I see it and its just a punchable furry face to me

I can get behind this.

My furbaby disagrees.

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Wait. Are furbies called that because they’re fur babies?

Holy crap. :exploding_head:


I like Kaldorei over every other race in this game, because they’re the most hated race in this game and I like underdogs. But also because I live for the Shoulder Roll™ that Ghostcrawler hated so much.

I grew to appreciate the bizarre purple carrot men.

are you also fun at parties


I can’t believe ya done this.


I spend far too much time adding things to my wishlist on amazon that i’ll never be able to afford.

I just went on like a hour long amazon deep dive for decorations for my patio that I’ll never realistically use but I know I should because the sun will help my mental health.

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You think that’s fun, wait till you dive into the Furby Modding Community.

Cthulhu’s Chosen walk amongst us …

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My bank alt has been running around without pants on for years now and I only just realized it.


I mean after a tragedy that results in shortages of resources, it’s usually the wealthy that survive. But we can’t have logic, must hate belf RP’ers with my tiny orc brain.