If that isn’t an incredibly potent mood I don’t know what is.
Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong.
No one’s born writing well and anything can be fixed in editing. What you wrote might not be up to your standards NOW, but that just means you expect more out of yourself. Give it a little time and edit it again later and I guarantee you’ll start seeing where you can make it work.
Posting on an alt because I’m a coward.
I was given a bit of a leadership role in an rp guild despite protesting against it and now I absolutely have no idea what to do. Things have been getting quiet on all fronts because of real life complications for some of the members and I feel like I should be doing way more to liven up the place. I guess it doesn’t help that I’m really new to all of this; I feel bad because it’ll likely collapse sooner or later.
I like Demon Hunter more than paladin.
I miss WoW in a lot of ways. I miss the adventure and the stories that gripped me for the better part of a decade and change. I miss crafting characters and stories that touched the stories of others.
I wish WoW wasn’t garbage that hurts to look at
i struggle with my mental illness every day to the point that i do not actually know what is real and what is just in my head/BPD lens
i mostly just don’t want to live and i hate myself
but all i want is to make everyone else smile before i go
You’ve definitely succeeded with me in the past
You’re a wonderful person and you make everyone smile with every post you make - except this one.
Please, don’t do anything drastic and get help. People do care about you and nobody wants to see you hurt yourself.
This sounds really fun.
Well I don’t want you to go, and I’ll keep reminding you everyday about how much you matter and how awesome you are. I won’t give up on you.
So don’t give up, things will get better.
It seems like you’re succeeding at that. I’m still hoping Rae gets a chance to run into Shay sometime.
I’m no professional, so I cannot offer advice. But I can offer this:
We’re our own worst enemy. You’re a good person, Shay. One of the best I know; please don’t take yourself lightly in that regard.
Sorry for the super emo post the other night. some nights are really bad and I’m still learning how to deal/cope, although getting better.
just wanted to say thank you so much to all of you who reached out/commented here/etc. it means a lot to me <3 please know if I can ever return the favor, I will.
I think a lot of people here are very happy to help you back up if you should stumble and desire it.
I see that, and it means a lot. I’ve been told that I shouldn’t really rely on you guys as my support system, so I’m trying to do that less. It’s just difficult when your IRL support system isn’t the greatest.
Speaking as a fellow BPD-haver, it’s one of the few things that has kept me going over the years to have online friends that are willing to just listen whenever I feel like I’m in crisis and would otherwise just try to “deal with it” on my own (read: spiraling out) because I don’t want to bother anyone in real life.
If that’s what you need, don’t feel bad about it! It’s really the worst thing you can do to just keep those thoughts in your head.
Thank you for letting me know. That helps a lot.
I only just found out that I have it a month or two ago, so I’m still learning how to react to it/deal with it instead of just thinking “i’m just crazy i guess” lol.
It sounds a little trite, but I was diagnosed pretty young and had a therapist who really drilled this into my head because I was so stubborn and terrified of drawing attention to myself: “if it takes someone a few hours of listening to save your life, that’s the best trade they’ll ever make.”
I worry that my ideas are too ambitious or too niche and that I’ll end up disappointing people / they’ll have no interest in what I want to do.
Ive been trying self teach but I don’t think I’ll be any better than a 4 year old. I can’t even draw a straight line.