Wyrmrest Confessions

Yeah pretty much. That said, I also love the implications that suddenly the Horde is more furry when, in fact, a majority of the furry player base are Tauren mains and will continue to be so.

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I see where youā€™re coming from dude, but I donā€™t look for rp in Org at all. Your assessment of the wider Blood Elf demographic is spot on, but much like it has nothing to do with me, my assessment of my observations of Vulpera players has nothing to do with you. Thereā€™s nothing personal going on here.

Real confession time: I have no actual Halloween plans but I dyed my hair the same shade of orange as my BE warlock and it makes me feel festive. :relieved:

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Giving a whole new meaning to ā€˜keep your nose out of our business.ā€™


Big sad confession. Iā€™ve been struggling with a lot irl lately but the biggest blow was having one of my budiges pass a few weeks ago. It was probably one of the worst, I didnā€™t sleep much at all in those last few days and I still replay my little buddy passing in my hands. Itā€™s crushing. I keep trying to do things to cope with it like gaming, writing a story etcā€¦ picking up piano on a midi keyboard and playing via the musician addon ingameā€¦

About the only that keeps me going on with my day sometimes is that my other budgies need me, one needs medicine every day, and my flock of hens need me around for protection.


You have a blessed soul, your budgies are lucky to have you as their caretaker


Who put these tears in my coffee


Whoever it was Iā€™m sure they have a big heart and meant well.


Hard same, I do this, too.

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A couple weeks ago, and I swear it made sense in the context of the thread you were posting in, I was going to ask if I was correct that you were that Wolf, but I didnā€™t want to be wrong and have to explain what I was talking about.

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I am every wolf.

From every hunter pet to every wolf spelled with a nordic o slash.

And I am always watching.


l-look i may have remembered that after i made the post, iā€™ll turn in my ā€œgood forum posterā€ card

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having caught up, this above is literally wrong. i may post on a female undead DK but most of my RP over these past months has been on my female vulpera shaman and i have met perhaps, one? or two? of the dozens and dozens of vulpera RPers iā€™ve met who are ā€œlol uwu bad furry RPersā€. even then, those two were people whose profiles explicitly mentioned or overtly implied ERP.

i have seen, however, at least a dozen or more people constantly banging on about how vulpera RPers are all horny ERP fanatics and theyā€™re garbage. significantly more of them then i have vulpera who fit the stereotype. maybe im paranoid, but i think the truth of the matter is that people just want to keep their prejudice up against a ā€˜furryā€™ race, and will invent something to hate even if itā€™s not there. if there are these worst case scenarios - and theyā€™re very common - i scarcely see them when i RP, which feels to me quite incongruous


Despite being totally uninterested in RPing a Vulpera myself, the vast majority of Vulpera RPers Iā€™ve encountered seem like good, serious RPers.


This stems from the stigma of ā€˜ew, furriesā€™ which does tend to lead to them presenting well crafted charaters to show before the class to demonstrate that the stigma doesnā€™t need to exist.

Unfortunately, when that -one- individual comes along, they tend to raise enough ire it sets them back a few spaces.

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I once met a male human paladin that tipped his helmet at me and now I am a raging misandrist.


I could have made a human or belf paladin.

sips tea in troll Seems like a lame idea.

My confession is that no matter how many times I come back to WoW nothing will match my time between the start of BC to the end of Cata.

Thats when I met so many people, introduced a former lover to the game. Had oodles of RP on my home server of Shadow Council and on Moonguard and Wyrmrest.

Nothing brings me more joy (when it comes to WoW) then remembering that time.

Itā€™s me, I canā€™t get over the nostalgia to dive back into WoW RP. I make characters, I might RP once and a while, but each time I think about it I find something else I could do. Finally, I leave because I havenā€™t formed attachments.


I absolutely feel you on that regard.

I realized one of the biggest issues is that I would beat around the bush and only ever really RP with friends and random strangers once a blood moon and that really only cemented at how lonely I would get in game. Eventually Iā€™d burn myself out on PvE/PvP and then Iā€™d just feel like quitting/not playing despite being subbed for months at a time.

The longest time Iā€™ve not played the game was the entirety of WoD because I just thought it was at that level of stupid that it wasnā€™t worth playing.

My advice? If you can do it, apply for an RP guild that you think might work with your character. Forcing myself to go and find a guild and joining it has made me suddenly far more attached to this vulpera here than I have been in a long time with my old main, Wolf. I suddenly had a guild that did a lot of RP events, and while it isnā€™t required to go to every single one, I try to attend (though some of the events are a bit too big for my anxiety and headaches to handle) and I end up enjoying myself.

Slowly, but surely, I have been making friends in WoW again. I was playing solo when I came back a few months ago, but now I have a few new folks who wave at me while the very few ā€œold guardā€ friends occasionally complain about WoW to me in bnet and both sides give me a feeling that maybe I can keep playing for a little while longer.

So yea, my advice is to just find an RP guild you think might be fun and take a leap. Who knows, worse case scenario is that it doesnā€™t work and you quit anyways. But it might be just the thing you need.

(Also, I recommend Firebrand Enterprise theyā€™re genuinely very active if youā€™re into Horde RP and have been swell to me.)



Sure, I understand and respect that this is your experience with them, and Iā€™m glad to hear itā€™s better than I saw it was. Itā€™s still not the same experience I have had.

I will clarify that I can admit to harboring an anti-furry bias. It must be frustrating to deal with that when someone is doing nothing wrong. It is still rooted in profoundly negative and predatory experiences with furries when I was just a kid, and not having personally witnessed furry culture getting any better, itā€™s a bias I continue to hold. The example of ā€œhuman malesā€ and ā€œmisandryā€ provided as a joke actually works pretty well here. Iā€™m the last person to enjoy when a woman presumes Iā€™ve got predatory intentions towards her because Iā€™m a guy, but itā€™s also a fact that encountering men with predatory intentions is a thing women have to deal with, so it understandably leads to defensiveness. I could have been less vitriolic in how I expressed my irritation with vulpera players, but it doesnā€™t mean my discomfort with sharing a space with furries is baseless, either.

i have an anti furry bias. all organics must be eradicated, however. the bias is shared, mā€™yes.

but i feel this.

i have made a lot of friends through wra! none of them are rp friends. or guild friends. its. a living.