Wyrmrest Confessions

All the talk of orcs just makes me want to point out that technically, Trolls have more claim to Azeroth then anyone. And we say the orcs can stay. So THERE.
8.3 Thread - #1625 by Kattani-wyrmrest-accord

That seems pretty “racially superior” sounding to me, just saying.

Edit: I found even more racist undertones in her message history:

Kattani would like to see Darkspear at the forefront of a resurgence of Troll power. Seeing them pave the way to rebuild and unite the tribes, and make the world safe for them again. Erasing any possible evidence that night elves are related to them, while reclaiming ancient lands from even older enemies.
If Your Character Was Racial Leader - #3 by Kattani-wyrmrest-accord

That is very “final solution”-esque if you ask me

If you allow even the smallest amount of bigotry to fester, it will grow out of control.