Hey all I have recently been leveling my monk in WW spec and have been noticing that occasionally when I use Fist Of The White Tiger or Tiger Palm chi isn’t showing up and i’m unable to use Rising Sun Kick or Fists Of Fury, I was just curious if anyone else has experienced this or might know of a solution. I have tried disabling addons but it keeps happening.
the only addons I have are: Skada, Titan Panel, Healbot, Adibags, and Auctionator
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While rare, it is possible to get parried, causing your attack to miss and not generate any chi. I only recall it happening on raid bosses though, can’t say I remember ever seeing it when levelling or questing in the open world. But I suppose this may be what you are experiencing.
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I’m getting the same thing. Chi generators aren’t generating chi. Nothings getting parried its bugged.
Do you have a screenshot, WCL, or a gameplay recording / gif? I’ve yet to see it happen but if we report its gotta have something to go along with it.
I think I see what’s happening. Going to look into it
I made a bug report for it and passed it on. You can follow the link at the top of the thread.
This almost always happens to me on legacy raid bosses. Almost only those… Maybe taloc a few times.
Ditto for the older raid bosses, I had always assumed they may have parried or something but I don’t think I ever did see a parry/dodge/miss or the like on those. I think I may have seen the chi generator not generate maybe once in tol dagor during a mythic+ run on an add (otherwise I don’t know if I have seen it happen all that much in current content). Not really sure if it has happened at other times and I just haven’t been paying attention.
This has happened to me mostly in player hotspots while doing world quest. Very awkward to kill mobs when suddenly all i can do is spam tiger palm. Usually the moment combat ends all the chi I should of generated “fills up”
I just relog and it seems to go away.
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