WW nerf predictions

You are right rebelpride. Not only that, but this expansion is built on a burst window. WEapons of order , xuen, storm earth and fire, if you can live through a monks burst , then there damage output is sustained after that but not groundbreaking. It’s all about the CDs with legendary this expansion.

Monks have high mobility, but are squishy. The only thing that saves monks in pvp is karma. However, there are a handful of classes that completely negate karma.

Mage iceblock negates karma healing, pally bubble negates karma healing. PLus several others. A monks main defensive skill is completely negated by multiple classes.

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I’m a DK, look at our defensives. We have the worst movement, self healing out of any class in the game. Monks can karma any burst and kill the enemy with that alone, outrun and pillar hug better than anyone, and teleport away and Vivify.

Monks also weren’t even touched in the upcoming PvP changes and they’re already the most broken class in the game right now in everyone’s eyes.

So far you are in the clear. They are focusing Pally and Mage first

Let this thread die so no attrntion gets to blizzard for any ideas morans

yah but monks defensive is built as an offensive that can be shut down. As a DK your defensive is your defensive. It doesn’t get shut down by anything. Karma no longer heals a monk when a mage iceblocks or a pally bubbles it goes away. In other words, the healing component of karma gets shutdown when a pally bubbles or a mage icebocks.

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Learn to play your DK instead of whinging about nerfing everyone else


Tbf, I’d just look at a Weapons of Order retune.
Maybe cut that 30-50%, since it scales so well. Wouldn’t touch anything in WW’s base. Just dial the cov augment & I think they’ll be about as balanced as any other melee…


If Kyrian gets nerfed they should address the atrocity that is the venth ability.

Iv tried so hard to make this spell work well but its just trash. the cool down is way too damn long and its never fun to push. Those monks should benefit off your current buffs and effect targets with Skyreach. Further, the venth ability is just so abysmally, the monks will do whatever they want, they dont focus anything and you have no way to issue commands.


ESF should be replaced by the order of the fallen monks entirely, but get 1 charge and half the cool down.

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If they wanted to “fix” Fallen Order so it’s easier to use as a WW, they should make it summon 3 monks (1 Crane, 1 Ox, 1 Tiger) right off the bat for 24 seconds. Have them be coded as summoned pets (like Xuen) for the full duration.

The ox & tiger monks will obv melee w/e you tell them to (i.e. /petattack), while the Crane monk randomly smart heals the lowest target. Maybe give the crane monk melee for WW, with a scaled Eminence (ATotM) mechanic?

As a MW, honestly, I’m still happy with it. The CD is long, but it’s the only Cov ability that provides decent passive healing & cc cover :neutral_face:

If they nerf WW then the class will be unplayable in later patches due to their poor scaling. This happens every single expansion… WW tops dps charts then they nerf it and they are in the middle of the pack. Next patch comes and they are bottom of the pack because every other class scales better, then end of expansion nobody plays the class. Just to keep it simple. Dont touch this spec


If anything they just need to give venthyr back the damage they stole from it the last week of beta.

Then monks would have 2 options. Fallen order which scales with gear and Weapons of the judgy pastel angels which doesn’t scale with gear.


Can we not?

Let it be fine now so it’s actually better than trash at the end of the xpac.

Or, oh just pulling this out of thin air, fix the damn secondary scaling? And bake Combo Strikes into the Mastery?

That has been dream scenario for 4-5 expansions now, but at this point if they havent done it I lost hope in actual useful secondary stats.

I’ve come to the conclusion that WW Monks DO NOT NEED NERFED. Because I am now playing one and therefor I do not want my broken spec to be nerfed :smiley:

If history repeats itself, WW will just fall off naturally due to scaling in later tiers. No need to nerf them. :sweat_smile:

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Yeah if they do nothing to adress it a 6th time I will either A) swap to my ele sham or B) quit the game until 10.0

But they didn’t have invoke xuen back then with touch of death damage on it, or invokers delight legendary. With these intact the spec will never fall off, not even at the end of the expansion.

This makes sense, but when you take into account that other classes that historically scale well are also getting really good legendaries and conduits, we might still scale a bit worst, we will have to see though.

As a Feral which ‘should’ be the most mobile melee class in game it’s actually insane that not only can I not get away from a Monk even with Night Fae blink, travel form jump, cat form sprint etc etc all back to back, it’s the fact that they touch me in cat form and I flop in under 2 seconds. If you don’t think it needs nerfed you’re dreaming.

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Sounds like a more learn to play feral issue and less of a monk issue.

You can shift every root, you can actually cast roots, you can cyclone, you can bash, you gain flight speed every 40 seconds with talent that every pvp druid takes but I see you didn’t for some reason (who takes wild charge in pvp?).

Your not running blood talons which is how ferals burst in pvp but instead you picked the pve need to channel ability.

Don’t complain about other classes beating you, when your not playing your own correctly for pvp.

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