WW just got reckted

Rogue is really nasty right now, I question how they got buffed, I am topping rbgs still, but I’m a lot less OP it feels more fair but maybe 15% nerf over 20% would have been more the sweet spot or not buffing the other classes.

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Babs just said it’s fine and will be fine.

While it was certainly a scary moment for many in the Windwalker community, especially those newer Windwalkers who haven’t experienced the long history of ups and downs like some of us have, Windwalkers currently stand in a good place relative to other specs, and should remain such in Dragonflight.

I’ll take his word for it over rando crying on there forums

Honestly as someone who plays WW for FUN we where WAYYYY over powered it needed the nerf and I am the last person who likes to nerf anything. we will balance out around 70 as we do but this nerf was justified my fellow monk brothers.


If babs gave advice on DH I’d listen to him because he hasn’t mained a monk in over 6 years. Dude will just run a bunch of incorrect sims and then post the results. Which usually turn out incorrect.

Example he listed a m+ build on WoWhead taking RJW which was torn apart in the comments by how bad it actually was. So he switched to the build listed in comments but didn’t give credit to the actual alpha testers who made the build. He just stole credit for it.

Same thing happened in shadowlands beta, he rated Faeline as a top set up but everyone again showed how his sims are off and miss calculating the damage of faeline. After two weeks of in game testing (by players because babs was already back in his DH by this time) and them pointing out how bad it was he went back to wowhead and switched his guide. Did he give credit to people who actually did the work testing?.. No.

Dudes a leech with a website but if you need someone to idol worship without testing for yourself you do you.


I’m new to the monk forums but man you have a great energy about you! Looking forward to dragonflight takes in the future!

Babs is a good guy but there is a lot of misinformation going around on the discord currently because people are blindly following bugged sims.

Take TTP for example. The amount of people saying this talent was bad a week ago was something else. What world is a 30% FoF damage increase bad? Anyways sims are now fixed with it and its giga good. :clown_face:

babs is good to follow pve wise but no offense doesnt know about pvp in any way …

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blizzard rather listen to pve’s than top multi r1 pvp monks who know about the class “thinking they know how to fix it”


they should revert those nerfs to us for (pvp)specifically and keep the nerfs for pve


im actually surprised people are surprised that monk got nerfed.

expect another one or two before dragonflight release as this current nerf is nowhere near what monks need to be at the bottom of the list again.

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If the nerfs stay, does that create a bigger chance of us getting FoF stun back?


I wish it did but WoW history tells me when the Mighty Blizz taketh away, the Mighty Blizz do not giveth backth. :slight_smile:

Good. You’re all far too powerful as you are now.


To follow up on my comment I made prior while yes I do feel the WW nerf was something needed and can say that as a monk player why does it always seem when the scales tip in favor of ANY melee class blizzard goes NO! and nerfs them but puts warlocks back on top lol.

Can we get one Exp where warlocks are just “ok?”

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:smiley: This is fine.

No. :smiley:

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Well that is a fine reply: I still haven’t met a warlock I lost to 1v1 so guess I will take what bonus points I can :slight_smile:

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:smiley: Count your blessings, my tentacled friend.

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eyes down …you wanna throw down!? LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Update! I am now around 293, 40 hours played and have been trying to optimize stats along with pushing keys in the 20 range for some last minute portals. To the dismay of the OP, monks are indeed quite formidable still. I am rarely challenged DPS wise. Both single and multi target are strong to go along with FOUR defensives on relatively low CDs, the monk is fantastic. I love it. The mobility is amazing, ROP is probably my favorite spell in the game, and the damage is of course still very much there. Since the recent 40% HP increase and TOD scaling, I expect more nerfs before it’s said and done. I can only imagine the joy many of you had pre nerf as I missed out on it! Chin up boys! The future is bright!

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This sounds kind of personal.

He’s done a lot for the monk community. Give respect or do better.

Please link your website, guides, and extensive testing.

Not saying he’s 100%, but he’s done the work. Don’t just crap on him out of hand because you don’t like every aspect of his what he puts out there.

Do better or just move on.