WW Damage?

Why does WW damage feel weak atm?


armor bugs as well as just general bugs

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Your WW was yummy :yum:

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Because it is, I lost like 100k overall compared to before patch.

Is this in ST or AoE? And have you grabbed haste?

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It’s been reported that armor scaling and our PvP modifiers are completely out of whack at the moment. But prob not gonna get fixed for a minute

is pre patch things get borken some spec are way out of wack now ie arcane and fire mage while others are doing a lot less damage IE moonkin. Also we don’t have hero talents

It’s trash. They took a perfectly great class/spec and ruined it. The fact that the only way to get to Teachings of the Monastery is to take something that makes Expel Harm an automatic, rather than an on-use heal is ridiculous. Then they give us some weird healing mechanic with Transcendence. Throw in a happy helping of Serenity NO, and we’re pretty much dead, with crap DPS to show for it.


Great name. I assume you’re tired a lot and always “hitting the sack”.

the pre patch is genuinely unplayable for ww in any pvp content


yep afking till xpac or fix


you don’t have your conduit of the celestials button yet. it’s your top damage ability in TWW. additionally, you probably want to change from 0-8% haste to 30% haste or more potentially. it feels a lot better once you put some haste back into your gear. we use that stat now. o7

My damage went up but the new set up is more like I was already playing. Doesn’t damage usually go up during the pre-patch in anticipation of your set bonuses, etc. disappearing in the next map?

I was noticing that haste was suddenly boosting my damage a lot.

god i hope not.


One thing I’ll say.

Combat Wisdom being unavoidable and also replacing an ability is very, WTH?

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My main is ww monk (Pacamonk) and I primarily raid, and I will say this…whatever the new hero talents are going to be, I really hope it makes up for the absolute death of our single target/raid dmg right now. I went from a top 2 dps in a progression guild to bottom 2. I just ran a pug and I was getting out dpsd by item level 507 and 510’s. I’m retiring from the game if they killed our single target dmg. It’s legit not even playable right now. Put Serenity back in!


I think connecting arrows on Ascension and Hardened Soles (or make a node choice with Touch of the tiger) with Teachings of the Monastery will be great so we can skip combat wisdom (I don’t like it). Serenity is a thing, but Ordered Elements don’t feels so bad. I don’t know, we need to wait to see final results.

Iike what dps are you getting on what level boss? The rotation changed a bit. Are you hitting all the kicks and spinning to get your Transfer of Power up as close to 10 stacks as possible before engaging Fists of Fury?

I’d guess at least 20% of my AOE is currently just trinkets and BIS rings and staff and whatnot. All that stuff will stop working in a few weeks.

It’s pre-patch

Specs are designed for hero talents and max level.

In War Within Windwalker is easily top 5 damage.

Arcane is still up there, Elemental is up there now, Marksman can be top on certain fights, and WW is up there on most fights, I’ve seen Fury do big numbers in AoE

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Pre-patch or not, they made this class unplayable in raid for the next month AND then I’m supposed to hope it’s not completely broken next season. No reason to take Serenity out.

I see how the aoe dmg for keys got really good, but they’ve sunk single target in the process. Initial burst is good until cds wear off and then dps just drops off. Dmg plays so slow after cds. And most the cds are from trinkets at this point.

I think most people here are talking about keys and pvp, and the aoe dmg. I’m talking about single target dmg, not aoe. Was one of the best single target classes with the right rotation. Test this class out in raid right now. Single target is trash. Took Serenity out and now the rotation feels overly slow.

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