WW Changes First Look

Feeling real mixed about these changes. It’s cool that blizz wants mastery to matter, but I like vers because it helps me not die. A charged up FSK is a nice touch for flavor, but please god don’t make it a large source of damage/part of our rotation. Why in Xuen’s name is BoK getting juiced up even more? I mean it’ll be great for M+, but my god the PvP boys are gonna feel this one.

And the big thing. Why is MotC getting deleted? Cool Blizz buffed SCK by 80% to “compensate,” (and even then it’s not a flat upgrade in all scenarios) but why not just revert nerfs to MotC? I do not like that DoCJ and whatever the hell Conduit of the Celestial’s tree has is going to be our way to amp/work with SCK as opposed to MotC just being a robust uncheeseable AoE damage printer. As it stands SCK feels like it’s only gonna be pressed with we have a DoCJ proc.

Edit: Also there’s the issue of why is Blizz trying all this new crap when there’s old things to be addressed like channel cancelling, boring capstones, very unoptimized and uninspired talents?

Edit: New changes posted.

Slicing Winds buffed by 33%. Why god why? Also I just realized it, but Blizz is literally just giving us a Plunderstorm spell out of the blue. wtf. Even more reason to send that crap back to the kitchen.
LEC buffed by a multiplier of 2 and Power of the Thunder King nerfed by 20%. Interesting, but talent points are tight especially with them buffing slicing winds even more. Also why nerf the AoE before it’s even live?
XB is flat 30 sec on Xuen now. Dub for Conduit?


Slicing winds will probably see play and will probably even be used rotationally since its got a rather hefty 600% attack power coefficient and doesn’t cost energy or chi. Will have to see how it changes during ptr.

Will probably see the pvp multiplier on courageous impulse go down during the ptr cycle

Mark of the crane being removed is only a 5.26% nerf at 5 stacks and a buff in all other situations.


I gave up on brew 2 weeks ago and switched to WW. Without having a lot of experience with WW these all look fantastic. Mark of the crane not so much but the rest look solid.

Dance of the wind is a way more functional passive now.

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I want acclamation gone and rsk buffed accordingly and do splash AOE damage.


Do these notes conflict or am I just dumb?

It reads to me like Slicing Winds replaces FSK, but maybe they just mean it’s a choice node talent now or something?

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God I hope not. We already had a conceptually less troublesome type of movement do damage ability in Chi Torpedo, and Blizz got rid of the damage portion for good reason. And now they want to put in something that has to be charged that’s supposed to replace FSK, which sends us the farthest.

That’s the thing. How often are we hitting SCK when DoCJ doesnt proc to begin with? Borderline non-existent in ST outside of the specific scenario of moving out of big circle here’s some baby damage on the move. Rare even in keys. Buffing CI will make this worse because that’s just something that’ll have more value than plain casting an SCK. Instead of deleting MotC, Blizz could have buffed it to make SCK more valuable than the other things in our rotation.

If anything Blizz should have deleted FLS from our tree wholesale before they get any other ideas and try to make us use it again. Nip it in the bud and all that.

Also there’s the issue of why is Blizz trying all this new crap when there’s old things to be addressed like channel cancelling, boring capstones, very unoptimized and uninspired talents.


I’m not understanding what this change has to do with dance of chi’ji

very generally, talents that work with a base ability also work with its overrides.


The change likely won’t affect our use of SCK, which will predominantly be during a DoCJ proc. Rather than delete something that has extreme potential, why not buff it to beat RNG? Blizz is essentially killing one of WW’s best AoE tools when WW already isn’t putting out impressive AoE numbers and basically hinging SCK on DoCJ and whatever the hell is on the Conduit talent tree.

Mark of the crane itself doesn’t affect usage of SCK except maybe delaying it by making you tab target a bunch of stuff first or by leveraging strike of the windlord with rushing jade wind talented.

Because it’s weak af rn. Revert it to Legion and see what happens.


Again, this doesn’t really change how you use spinning crane kick in comparison to just deleting the ramp up and having it be (mostly) baseline.


That’s the thing. Currently, and even if said changes go through, we don’t SCK outside of DoCJ. So, instead of deleting MotC, why not buff it so that X stack MotCs outvalue the other things in our AoE rotation so we do use it outside of DoCJ?

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Also. Apologies if I’m coming off as combative. But some of these changes are just wild to me.

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Removing MoTC reduces the ramp to even make SCK worth using outside a free proc. I’ve had to talent into RJW to apply the marks to burst AoE. I like removing this because now if they buff SCK and improve our mastery, maybe SCK can be used more regularly.

I like the changes.

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If you’re not using SCK outside of a dance proc then you aren’t playing right in AoE. Removing mark of the crane is a buff more often than not, and more so for 98% of WW players. The main downside is it may make DoCJ a talent that is always taken, even for ST builds.

We also need to remember this is not a major rework. This is Blizzard applying a band aid to make things more tolerable.



We need a rework in WW and Brew. This is a band aid on a broken arm.


Lol what? No we don’t, ww monk plays better than ever.

They just need to remove acclamations, buff rsk and make it do splash damage like in aberrus.

The only thing i hope is that they won’t nerf dance and the proc rate of dance due to the increase in st damage resulting from the removal of mark.

I understand that it’s a buff in a fair amount of situations. However, what build are you playing that gives you the free globals to chuck an SCK? Are people opting to keep RSK on CD to get more SCKs in and less FoFs because me not using SCK ain’t even a resource thing most of the time. Our GCD is far too slow. I could see chucking in SCKs here and there back when we could do certain spells w/o channel canceling SCK, but that isn’t a thing anymore.

I wouldn’t consider that the main downside, but that ain’t gonna be great either. If MotC goes, WW loses one of its most potent ways to scale in AoE. If anything, I’d have expected FLS to get the axe.

Brew definitely needs some love, but I don’t know enough about the inner workings of Brew to say what needs fixing. Though, if I had to guess, Blizz could probably buff how stagger works against non-buttclenching melee attacks.

I wouldn’t say that WW needs a full rework, and quite frankly I’m worried what’d come out the other end if it did get one. The sky was unironically the limit with the talent trees, and Blizz fumbled the bag big. That said, the talent trees do need to be looked at and can honestly be optimized very easily to raise the strength of the monk class as a whole because there is a fair amount of bloat, nerfed talents, filler, and meh on our trees.


During AoE priority, you need to drop RSK unless you need to use it to cast WDP. That should free up the chi and GCDs needed to SCK outside of dance procs.

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