WTH is up with Resto Shamans... Rant

Now I’m not pro Resto Shaman, but I have some thoughts on this class.

Our survivability in pvp seems to be the worst of all the healers. Our ability to AoE heal our group in pvp is next to pally at the bottom. I see groups asking for healers for bgs or the STV Bloodmoon event and are like nah we good on Shamans…

Our single target and AoE healing is lacking. I look on WarCraft Logs and in many of the tops raid groups Shamans are doing damn near half the healing as the priest. Even when we are CHAIN cast our AoE heal we only put out half a priest’s healing… So what is the point of the resto spec? Mana Tide totem? We are literally JUST a mana battery with Shamanistic Rage.

I feel like this class has no niche. Pally is King of spot healing, Druid is king of AoE healing, Priest is very good at single target and AoE and brings good buffs, and Shaman is… good at mana regeneration.

Back in vanilla what made Shamans so good was we were great at AoE healing, but with Priest and Druids getting GREAT AoE runes, Druids getting WF, Shamans are now replaceable.

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resto sham needs a buff forsure but they’re by no means terrible. look at their counterparts. heres an example: priest heals is amazing just under mage and rdrui but on average priest is #1 but not #1 capable. but their DPS spec shadow, is the worst dps of all dps.

Shaman healing is prolly the lowest healer, but they have the #1 tanks by far and enhance is crazy at almost everything. its just the trade off. rdruids are really strong but boomy and feral are one of the lowest in their perspective roles. it just is what it is.

next phase will change it up. maybe shadow priest will be #1 dps (finally) and priest healer will be middle pack etc. this is WoW. its always been like this.

the big issue with SoD specifically is that the average player wants to play God Mode. and be #1 at everything. at the end of the day, if youre a good player and good at your class it literally does not matter what a tier list a meter says. in pve if you are parsing high in your role/spec then thats all that matters. if youre good at pvp youre gonna smoke everyone regardless. welcome to wow!

in conclusion, if all you care about is being #1 then be a fotm player. that is legit your only solution.

Bringing a resto shaman is a handicap and our utility doesn’t make up for so much HPS loss

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Yeah, you have a point. Enhance is a great spec. Elemental is eah…

were probably the strongest pvp healer right now tbh.

pve there isn’t(in p1 p2 as well) enough tank damage going out for shams to shine. HW+overload is insane single target. Chain Heal does not hold a candle to circle/mending/emp renew/lifebloom/wild growth/efflo so we get stomped in aoe padding/sniping.

problem is the content not the class tbh. look at top logs, its all circle and wild growth #1 by a mile. trying to make healing difficult by adding aoe damage that aoe runes easily negate is bad design.


Mainly what i remember about shamans from vanilla days is the 3 things. Chain lighting, Chain Healing, and 2hand windfury proc that could 1 shot you if the NRG lord was kind to you.

The SoD devs gave zero thought to resto shamans and holy paladins because those classes healing was the meta in real vanilla, so they were like “nobody will want to play those specs. forget em”. I’m pretty sure that’s what happened anyway.


actually the least useful thing a healer brings is their HPS unless you are severely under healing.

If you were going to run a normal amount of healers I think 4x or 5x resto Shaman would be the best just to slam Sham Rage mana down everyone’s throat.

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both are primarily tank healers and majority of sod damage goes to raid

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Shamans can AOE dispel basically every debuff in Sunken Temple, and trivialize the bosses with 1 GCD. They provide so much mana regen that horde raids never need to worry about mana.

Why should they have that, and also be top hps?


Seal of Martyrdom has been buffed to be more or less equivalent. From the logs I’ve seen you are getting more mana back per individual Paladin. Horde does tend to have more total Shaman in a raid than Ret/Prot Paladins though. But if it really is bothering you then stack more Ret Pallies.

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A holy paladin is not generating mana equal to what a resto shaman is. SoM requires constant uptime on attacks and you can’t cast while auto attacking. The SoM buff is for Ret/Prot paladins, both of which are weaker than their enhancement shaman counterparts.

tanks shams aren’t generating mana either tho

Honestly I thought resto would be in a much better place once they got chain heal, as I figured they would elevate to about where they were in TBC, however the AOE healing provided by the rune heals that both priests and druids got simply marginalizes chain heal a lot at least in the current content, perhaps it will get better at 60. Paladins are in a similar area, unsurprisingly both classes healing spec’s seem to be an afterthought, though on a whole I do prefer the resto runes more.

How does what you wrote make sense? If you can heal more you need less healers why would you run 5 resto shamans to do what a priest and druid can do together.

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The reason hps is low is because priests have mending and coh. Both are instant and allow for very quick reactive healing that shamans cannot possibly match with a 2.5 second chain heal, a riptide every 6 seconds, or healing rain. Also the class hurts when you dont have stacked raid clumps.

Pretty sure the top resto shaman doesn’t even break the top 1500 healing parses.

It’s pretty much Priest = Druid >>>>>>Paladin>>Mage>>>>>>>>>>>Shaman

Crazy how low Shaman HPS is.

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Lmao tank shaman is utter garbage try again

eh yall are just use to being in p2 where yall were ungodly overtuned across the board #1 tank #1 dps #1 pvp #1 dueler etc yall are still overall most likely #1 in terms of dmg taken, dps, utility, ease, etc (for tanks)

Sigh… let’s just remove windfury totem, strength of earth, grace of air, shaman rage, nature resistance, and all other utility and then give shamans a rune that heals 5 people for 800 every 6 seconds…Wish blizzard would buff shamans that way… I mean giving 20-40 people 750 mana is really weak… What’s 18,000-33,000 mana every 60 seconds when someone else heals people slightly faster during a window of 25 seconds where shamans will still hit the finish line shortly thereafter…

Remember when 1 druid ability completely invalidated an entire pillar of consumable resource for every single mana class? Dang druids…

It really stinks being one of the strongest single target healers with good aoe healing and unlimited mana when you fetishize WCL… :(…