WTH is up with Resto Shamans... Rant

We are one of the strongest single target healers? We are not beating a priest or paladin so you must mean a druid. I’d say we are right behind druids in last place for single target healing.

You have an iq of 80. A class that needs to block 5 times to get armor stacks is almost as useless as you are at making eye contact with chads like me.

and you are hardstuck combatant in arenas so theres that

I dont play arena, i dont play sod anymore either its a trash game now. Now take your genetically frail and thin wrists and alien fingers back to your keyboard where you think you matter lol

now it all make sense, ty

Sorry i can’t hear you from up here. Im 6’2" and drink milk while you are 5’4" and consume soy beans. We are not the same

sounds like you are a beta male on online games and irl. i bet you think you can fight irl too :rofl:

Without shamanistic rage and mana tide totem, your other healers are not gonna put out those big healing numbers.

Kind of like how windfury helps melee make the big numbers, shaman may not have all the powerful, AoE heals of some other classes but they do enable those classic with all the mana recovery mechanics. Drop a disease cleansing totem? Now the priest can focus on spamming more heals instead of cleansing disease. The utility absolute makes up for it. Plus, you rarely go OOM as a resto shaman. Other classes have to manage mana more carefully.

Shaman healing is great. You just don’t get wild growth or prayer of mending. You do get raid wide mana recovery, near limitless mana yourself, party wide resists, cleanses, freedom on a 30s CD, grounding, etc. Not even a top HPS healer can do all that and those are very important things.

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Yeah. Maybe I just gotta look at things differently.

You arnt wrong. Priest, warrior, mage were like the first classes designed and probably most thought given to. Shaman was one of the last classes and it was rushed to push to releasing the game. Which is why its talents suck

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Your softer than dairy queen iced cream beta reply holds no weight in a mans world. I am your superior in every way bugman

Yeah, resto talents are decent… You could almost just spec full elemental and ignore most of the resto tree and I’d wager you’d barely notice a difference.

Resto Shaman is not a PvP build on Classic Era.

Past 21 points: nothing in the Resto tree helps you in PvP. Healing Way? Restorative Totems? Mana Tide Totem???

The PvP build at level 60 is 30 in Elemental, 21 in Resto. This allows you to deal damage and heal. (31 Elemental / 20 Resto is also viable but I personally prefer Nature’s Swiftness to Elemental Mastery.)

You can’t play that build at level 50 in SoD because you don’t have enough talent points. So you have to settle for 31/10/0 which is primarily Elemental, but still has perfectly fine healing capabilities.

TLDR: You can heal without Resto talents in classic. You’re a hybrid. Play like one.

this isnt era. tidal waves HW is a 1.75 cast and a non crit overload is 2.4k+ with healing way up. Or you can lesser healing wave for 650 with 1.5s cast, up to you.

Those are runes. Slot whatever runes you want. You can (and should) cast heals, no matter where you spend your talent points.

Put your talent points in Elemental. That’s the PvP build.

but youre wrong because you do want resto talents to support hw casts. for this weekend though all you need is earth shield and riptide. 31/20 will always be a solid build, but resto actually has good pvp talents with the rune system.

So put 31/0/5 + X if you really want to use Healing Wave.

You’re probably bad if you’re using Healing Wave in PvP, but the option is there if you really want it.

id argue youre bad because you cannot adjust your way of thinking from the 2 decade old meta when SoD is a completely different game.

when the weekend is over go see what you can keep up with sub 300 hps lhw spam while i bomb 900+ hps.

No dude, this is still Classic WoW.

If you’re ever able to free cast Healing Wave in PvP, without any CC or interrupts or dispels on your Tidal Waves: your target isn’t dying. No matter where you put your talent points.

if you can cast a LHW you can cast a HW and yes your talent points matter as does your gear. 30/21 is a DPS build that can offheal.