WTF is with old raid scaling?

I don’t understand why they don’t simply apply a buff like they do in Icecrown. Easy fix.


I concur 100% it is an easy fix IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Maby it’s not in Blizzards interest to let people solo such a fresh legacy content. Wich is understandable, the less player can do solo, the longer he will stay ingame and actually play. Which is what players are supposed to do.

Yeah combined with scaling and this is not going well. They should consider what they are doing with scaling in older content.

Not good from what I have seen.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Why are you defending difficulty in old content? What does that benefit you?


This tells me you’re just trolling.


I am not discussing whether scaling changes in the DF pre-patch made things more or less difficult in late SL with gear.

I am and have been talking about how they borked up (and lied about) scaling changes in the pre-patch and stat squash for SL.

And it didn’t take a spreadsheet tracking HP and TTK to know a character that could solo Legion content at 120 could not do so in SL, and that simply leveling to 60 in early SL did not bring back the relative power we already had at 120.

To put it bluntly, I don’t care about the small changes with the loss of legendary and covenant abilities in the DF pre-patch - that is nothing compared to the scaling mess that occurred with the stat squash in SL pre-patch, and which has never been honestly addressed by Blizzard.


I was able to do everything just fine. I’m not sure why you’re talking about something from 2 years ago though.

Why wouldn’t people defend the idea that rewards should require effort?

Effort should be relative to the reward, I agree, but you seem to misunderstand how devalued the reward is in older content. The reward is purely cosmetic; no one’s going to arrive decked out in Mythic Antorus Gear to run Mythic Sepulcher. As such, reduced effort is perfectly fair, and has been for quite some time now.

If player power is not tied to it, and its out-dated content, then it should be trivial to acquire.


If it was so devalued, then why are the rewards sought after?

Different people enjoy different things. I’ve seen people meticulously creating their transmog over months, looking up stuff on WoWHead, trying different combinations of items, recolors, and then researching the ways to acquire them. They put a fair bit of time and effort into this sort of thing.

Then again, I’ve seen some people who wear whatever mismatched assembly of gear they have that’s best in slot and never touch the transmog service.

At the end of the day, I maintain my position: if it’s not connected to player power, then it should be trivial to acquire if it is outdated content.


Don’t bother arguing with a troll :slight_smile:

I haven’t been able to get past mythic Eonar after pre-patch, I might try again this week on a DH after watching some videos.

I waited all expac to solo some leftover dungeon quests from BFA. Just last week I was barely able to down normal Lord Stormsong in time before he gets off his MC ability (on a frost DK, so a spec that doesn’t have a bubble-type ability to bypass the MC).


Problem is that dungeons bosses take too long to die in chromie time, with WoD being a primary offender. And questing has several quests where mobs are big hp sponges. If you have to do the same mob with similar mechanics for 3-5 mins as a new player, you will get bored and stop trying quickly.

The combat pacing needs to be good to entice new players to give it a shot. If its boring, they will give up before the midway point because there’s nothing compelling. There’s nothing good or compelling about a 3-5 mins hp sponges with the same 1-2 mechanics over and over and over with no real change.

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Is this a serious question? Do you honestly not know how RPGs work? The more you progress the stronger you get. That’s how it’s always been. Legion is 2 almost 3 expansions old at this point. All the bosses should fall over to a fresh 60 in 130 gear.


Where do you draw the line? Mounts? Toys? Pets? Armor? Trinkets?

All of these rewards required effort to obtain when current. If they’re sought after then that same effort should be required from my perspective.

I’d say my views on where the line should be drawn have already been expressed.

  1. If it is not tied to player power
  2. It comes from outdated content

Then it should be trivial to acquire. Transmog, mounts, pets, titles, toys, whatever.


So then what about heroic raid mounts that get removed? Surely those should be available since they’re in “outdated” content, right?

In any case, if it required significant effort to obtain when current, it should still require effort when “outdated”.

blizz design team is quoted saying that “legacy content will be soloable once you are current heroic raid tier gear” which to them is perfectly fine.

as a bonus, as we level up in DF we will actually get weaker and it will be harder to solo old content till you run on the loot treadmill for a couple hundred hours. this isnt a bug, its a design choice.

Absolutely. Removing content is one of the dumbest decisions in game design I’ve ever seen, a FOMO tactic.

I disagree, but that’s my two coppers on it.