Wtf is this nerf to herlad ? paladin needs buffs?

Because we previously scaled like $#!+, that’s why they constantly tuned us. Why do people not understand this basic concept??

Not true. Recent data shows us 3rd IIRC. That’s not “miles behind a lot of classes.”

Which was absolutely warranted. It was so damn good that it outpaced our Primary Stat, Strength and players were ditching higher level gear because it didn’t have Mastery on it. That’s an absolute no-no. Despite the meager 10% nerf, Mastery is still our best Secondary Stat by a large margin.

I do. Benmarch and I called it at the beginning: we’re gonna be just fine, wait and be patient. Scaling is the best thing that can happen to a spec and we scale very, VERY well.

Dude, not only did the notes come out days ago about them getting the nerf bat----they just got the nerf bat upside their heads AGAIN literally hours before the new patch.

You’ve rarely ever seen that.

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