Wtb the return of twinks

They didn’t remove twinks from the game, they just prevented twinks from being able to go and wreck entire teams of players who were not twinks.

I twinked at 29 on my main when I first started playing. I stayed that level for months. It was some of the funnest experience I ever had playing wow. For good reason. I absolutely facerolled other players and it was so satisfying to just be an unkillable god, as others stated, where the entire team would be whacking me with everything they had, and my priest, my freaking cloth wearing priest, would just laugh at them.

I was such a good priest that a twink guild begged me to stay and they geared me up, and boy, I just freaking enjoyed the crap out of that so much. Nothing is a better feeling that utterly dominating people like a wrecking machine and them never being able to do anything to stop me.

But then I got older, realized that crap like that is absolutely bull in an online game, and am now completely against it.

Just go download some skyrim mods. Make yourself godmode, destroy every npc in the game with your fists, your voice, or whatever your heart desires, or just play against other twinks where the playing field is equal. That’s really your only options now. You can’t just go around finding a loophole to dominate other people in a game as an unkillable god, and expect it to last forever. It’s long gone, and they won’t be reenabling your ability to cheap and unfairly destroy other people again.


You anti-twinkers are so toxic you all have resorted to ridiculous smear tactics that are completely false. The majority of the twink community consists of fine people who love their bracket, they do not run from challenges, nor do they actively hunt down lowbies. These claims are absurd and you should be ashamed of yourselves for taking part in this hate. Check xpoff forums and your going to find your hateful comments debunked. The increases they gain from twinking are not as wild as your imagination has led you.


You know this is going to be good when it starts off with the OP telling you that you don’t have a right to talk if you haven’t used a twink to have an opinion

Even though you’ve no doubt done BGs and known in leveling gear there is nothing you can do to kill a twink

Sorry OP but twinks sucked for everyone trying to enjoy a battle ground that wasn’t willing to spend loads of cash to try to match them and all twinks did was completely remove a game mode from the leveling up process


The snobby attitude in your first line made me skip it and just tell you to shut up and deal with it.

Twinks are annoying in bgs and not needed. Even Blizzard saw they were becoming more of a problem. Your opinion is not vaild because you think you are tough one shotting people.



OP, a Twinker basically acts obnixious in the first post that if you don’t twink, you aren’t allowed to say anything on a public forum.

Sure. Just like how Sylvanas loyalists think they are in the right and everyone who is anti Sylvanas is just a woman hater. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


I can only report what I saw. Twinks were toxic. They have no place in normal BGs. They are to stay separate from us and I shed no tears from them being gutted.



Just enchant your heirlooms bro, that’ll save you for sure.


No, they won’t debunk what I just said because the people that are on xpoff (including myself) are the same people that did 39 war games and were pissed at all the alliance players not doing War Games or leaving BGs because there were other twinks on the opposing teams. I made many friends twinking but 75% of twinks are toxic soy boys.

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I just can’t stop thinking they want to be of a certain persuasion I can’t name for risk of being actioned lol. I mean of all the possible choices to refer to an OP character… twink was the chosen name!?

Oh, your right I just checked and its nothing but posts searching for lowbies to slay. smh
mean and angry twinks I must add…

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Dumbest advice ever.

You do understand that actual new players still exist, right? Oh and also, BG’s have been giving XP for years now. It makes zero sense to have people trying to level vs “That OP player that just can sit at X9 level because reasons.”


The truth is never a smear tactic. I, too, had a twink. Back in BC.

I know exactly what I’m talking about.

And you are proving with your posting why twinks “don’t get no respect.” Those ‘fine people’ you talk about let the exploit go unreported, with wishy-washy, “You shouldn’t do that, guise” posts on the private twinking forums.

Twinks’ bad rep is self-inflicted.


This person is a troll, it’s best to flag and move on you’ll find no meaninful conversation. Apparently the “lol ur on MG” is still a valid dismissal. :stuck_out_tongue:

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They already have. It’s called Max level PvP.

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That’s pretty much a lot of “cultures” in online gaming. They’d get more support and respect if they were civil.

Yes, sometimes its hard to stay civil. Especially when others start slinging mud. But that’s the time when you want to show that you’re not going to let the “mud” soil you.

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Given their name it probably isn’t mud.

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I know there are exceptions to the rule but ~most~ twinks I’ve run across don’t care about being civil. /spit and a poor mans teabag are pretty much standard for their macroed abilities lol.


Every type of gamer has its bad element. And its also the whole thing about how we notice the dirty ones more than we notice the clean ones.

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People should be free to stay at low levels to explore and collect all the gear they want without being locked out of other parts of the game. Leveling was not supposed to be this fast. They are literally forcing levels on people to prevent them from enjoying most of the game.

Anyone who spends more time doing low level stuff should have an advantage over those who are rushing through it. That’s not unfair, that’s how its supposed to work.

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Or Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie.